the meme that ended Zig Forums

Attached: DEBUNKED-MEME.png (840x859, 178.25K)

Nice try, kike.

Attached: Debunked.png (800x534, 124.73K)

Okay, look. Everything you're saying has already been addressed and, in fact, totally debunked by professional fact checkers. Do you even understand that, and how that works? These professionals are committed to sorting the truth from the, shall we say, chaff, and they are so mind-numbingly good at it that they are PAID to do so. When was the last time you were PAID to figure out what was true and what wasn't? Exactly. We all know that such disinformation is a modern plague upon our society, and without selfless and tireless work from organisations like Snopes, Twitter, and Facebook, you and everyone else would be adrift in a sea of misleading "bites" of news. I think it's time for us all to pay some respect to the debunkers who help us know what's really real.

I bet you've haven't debunked anything in your entire life

It's already been debunked. Nice cope.

>ended Zig Forums
nope still here

Hahahahahahaha nice flag fucker

Attached: 731CA7B7-8D69-4DC8-88C6-597B7F343614.jpg (500x666, 125.23K)

>Says the Polish nigger

Former independent fact checker here. Not gonna Correct the Record, it's been fun watching your Russian disinformation campaign get debunked. But seriously, we can't let snopes get their hands on the conspiracy theories.

Attached: shinku_magnifying_glass.jpg (670x480, 58.97K)

You forgot your debunking flag user.
So sloppy.

>says debunked shit

Attached: Debunked Frog.png (1228x1150, 379.92K)

Your stupid meme has been debunked

good luck trying to debunk my cum off your moms face OP

debunkpilled and underrated

>the meme that ended Zig Forums

Attached: Untitled.png (1130x294, 26.45K)

>meme ending Zig Forums

Attached: debunked.jpg (548x546, 30.6K)

You kikebunked yourself kike.

I rebuke your debunking and hereby declare the rebunking of it
shut it down

Israel is a racist alt-right meme and has been debunked many times over.

That meme ending Zig Forums has been debunked
The conspiracy that you behind trying it however, has been bunked.

sorry your rebunking has been debunked

That's already been debunked

indepedent fact checker here, Zig Forums clearly hasn't ended since the board is still active
politifact meter: pants on fire

Debunked? Boy, let me tell you about these words. It's all bullcrap spammed by those robots. No matter how many people beat up many robots it never stops. MvM is almost pointless because the shill robots don't stop. Just return to
the resupply room in casual. Ignore enemy propaganda. I've about had enough and when I get the opportunity to apply for janitorial duties again, I'll take one for the team.

Attached: 1671172-engineertaunt2.png (985x985, 281.94K)

lol. the 2020 version of NO U

Aaaaaannnd the kike cannot help itself.
No morals and therefore no soul.

Attached: Imagine.png (640x300, 114.18K)

>"the meme that ended Zig Forums"
Um actually it's technically a form of social etiquette, not a meme, sweetie. Debunked.

you cant fool me, jannies CANT be based


>obligatory debunk

Not in this current political climate boyo. Maybe one day.

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 74.79K)

>jannies CANT be based
Based, bunked and redpilled.

Attached: Bunked.png (655x474, 102.34K)

This thread was posted by a literal jidf agent that applied and got a it possible he doesnt so it for free?

Attached: 0C633CF6-F1AC-4D92-852B-D61DB4D0972C.png (458x362, 204.06K)

W-what about me guys?

Attached: Milhouse_Van_Houten_(Official_Image).png (728x1200, 289.29K)

The meme has been debunked.

this has already been debunked

Attached: 0123123133.jpg (501x281, 25.92K)

Someone explain this shit

some stupid hogwash that is attempting to emulate the media and make a meme

This has been debunked by Snopes.

Paid as fuk fuck kike faggots

Forced, fake, gay and debunked.

Attached: 200123-auschwitz-mc-8473_9a8508a86bb659359c3499f9d74121de.jpg (2500x1711, 565.62K)

>ended Zig Forums
Seriously? This meme made Zig Forums great again

Attached: 3FCC0097-A9F7-49CF-9143-0B9D4905437A.png (680x680, 220.72K)

this was already debunked, sholomo

The social media complex aligns their battle strategy

Attached: 8596AF69-FE35-44D8-A4E7-571B8834E834.jpg (1125x1200, 159.69K)

Attached: EC20FF26-8437-4544-B13F-AE2D7CE2A59F.png (517x203, 44.92K)

For those with 4chanX use the md5 image of "/8Wpjzbts0EVvbKB11mnj0Q==/" I'll give it today and see how my filters work and post'em late tonight or tomorrow morning sometime.

I feel this one is most right

Attached: Israel.png (1600x1981, 457.98K)