The /ptg/ narratives are falling apart. The ONE thing everyone here was still blindly hanging onto for dear life was >Mail-in numbers are skewed Biden, but the in-person numbers will be a blowout for Trump!!!
ABSOLUTELY BTFO now. Would you look at that, MORE DEMOCRATS showing up in-person too. In 2016 the dems were complacent. This time around /ptg/ is complacent. Enjoy your little echochamber here while it lasts.
these are not polls. these are not mail-in numbers. THESE ARE ACTUAL IN-PERSON VOTES
Oh that's good. NBC said it was a shit show for Trumo. Glad no one watched it then.
Easton Brooks
Elijah Collins
I am trying to understand this idiotic retard's logic. So Biden's policies don't matter at all. What does matter? The fact he is a pedo, or corrupt, or insane, or will likely die in a few weeks and let an evil bitch become president? Do any of those things matter?
I saw this episode four years ago, faggot. You brag because Demon-rats lead in early voting. Then you lose the election and spend four years in denial.
Ayden Myers
>how dare that nigger agree with Orange Man!
Julian Turner
>reddit spacing Didn't read a word LMAO
Gabriel Ross
>Do everything possible for every racial group but the one who voted for you >Resort to mental gymnastics to explain away lost votes This shouldn't surprise anybody.
Hunter Diaz
Yea, republicans have jobs, much like 2016, wait untill after 330 pm for the trump vote to arrive
Isaac Williams
I was in Washington iowa
John Gomez
Listening to the Town hall now. Holy FUCK is the audio bad. Are we serious NBC? Jesus Christ, the first time I touched an audio input had better sound quality than this.
NICE NEW GOALPOST YOU GOT THERE! >n-nooo I didn't actually mean Republicans would actually show up in-person!! >y-you don't understand, republicans have jooooobs!!
I'm actually glad retarded journos are spouting this shit. It encourages MORE people to go out and vote for Trump. I'll vote next week
Jeremiah Turner
Were they shit in 2016? Just answer yes or no. (Or refuse to answer if you know you just lost the argument.)
Sebastian Kelly
show me a single official definition of superiority where "reasoning" is stated as being a fundamental part of it
Grayson Long
Based Dominican Immigration Attorney has caused max seething
Nathaniel Smith
3:1 Trump's favor.
Dylan Edwards
Biden’s answer on transgenderism for first graders may have been the most damaging campaign moment in the history of politics. I’ve spent 2 hours on twitter and he is losing voters over this.
>Then you lose the election and spend four years in denial. This. I want four more years of this. I want Trump to win the EC and the popular vote. I want to see liberals heads explode like in the movie "Scanners".
Dominic Roberts
Didn't you wait for that all through the 2016 election and then you ran home sobbing?
Brayden Kelly
if you think boomers got offended at this, you're an idiot which is what the dems are running with, kek
Mason Garcia
>Demon-rats lead in early voting.
It is easy to vote early when all the Democrats are college kids with nothing to do or niggers who live off free gibs and have nothing to do, or senile old cat ladies who live off free gibs who also have nothing to do, etc.
Their Achilles heel in this is that propping Joe up in the polls absolutely fucks with their ability to get their least motivated voters to the polls. If they wanted 18-29 to get out they need to make this appear a lot closer than they currently are, but hey, go ahead morons.
Colton Wilson
You said that in 2016, too. Why don't you remember?
>trannies woke up and started shilling in concert in between dilation sessions there's no way you can convince me these "people" aren't coming from discord in shifts
I saw two things in this video: Nate Lead with hair and a poll saying Hillary was up by 12%. Several indicators in previous polls were never addressed, like a reason to answer them truthfully. I am definitely voting and I know he will win.
Just like the miracle that a certain "obese 72 year old with high blood pressure" would surely be done in by the ChinkFlu, and only a MIRACLE would save him then too, right?
The funny thing is that usually dems do massive on campus voter drives/early voting to lock in that vote but this time campuses are empty and their target 18-29 is not showing up in early voting/VBM the way they need them. Should be funny to watch.
Michael Bennett
Pretty sure you're not allowed to post that image without a porn license, I'm alerting the bobbies.
How do you feel about the fact that we now know Biden was paid by both Ukraine and China for political influence?
Jack Hill
Literally who?
Luis Scott
It’s all right here. The democrats need an early vote total that’s large enough to hold back the R vote on Election Day. So far based on FL and PA numbers, the democrats won’t have enough at the rate their going. They need a miracle.
I think it would be more demotivating for their feelsy faggot voter base to hear that Trump was comfortably ahead, which is why he's never "allowed" to have a lead anywhere.
Imagine you're a lazy teenager or nigger sitting on the couch. You hear Trump has a decent EC vote lead and it would take a lot to undermine it. You know he won last time too. You're more likely to just say fuck it and stay put. They want to be part of the winning team not part of a struggle.
So honestly if they didn't do this stupid artificial boost shit Trump would just win by an even bigger margin because Republicans don't look at polls as a source of info or inspiration.
Lincoln Fisher
Did she also remove the post in which she claimed to have seen CP on Hunter's computer? Tucker has seen what's on that hard drive and made no mention of it. Therefore Fake News.
>pudding-brained dementia-riddled idiot will get a job teaching Someone better sign up for that class!
Logan Garcia
Don't you find it odd that Biden has not said the emails are fake? Why would he do that?
Christopher Butler this is freaking me out. some chinese guy was talking about whistleblowers in the chinese communist party giving the hard drives to the DOJ weeks ago. he said "the US election will end in a hilarious manner" and he later goes on to say that hunter biden was blackmailed and filmed by CCP officials abusing underage chinese girls in a disgusting way.
Andrew Sanchez
Lucas Ortiz
>Fuckin bigoted pedophobes. >pedophobe But that would mean "Fear of children" it would have to be pedophilephobe
I think NM has more of a chance of flipping than Oregon Aleppo man isn't running this time
Joshua Campbell
>Did you say you were smart? Since when is Biden a professor?
Blake Martin
B-b-but he would mandate the mask!
Lincoln Wright
Who knows really. Zoomers by in large are an apathetic bunch. That these idiots really thought they’d turn out for Joe in Obama numbers (or higher) really shows their desperation
Nathan King
Tommy Lee (from Motley Crue) wife.
Andrew Howard
12.7 + family saw pedo Biden say 1st graders can be transgenders. This was political suicide.
Did anyone else watch it? I DVRed both, watched the first half of Trump's, then switched over to Biden's. It was a great juxtaposition of Guthrie trying to shit down Trump's throat vs Biden being spoonfed questions.
It was two different universes and they unwittingly redpilled a large amount of apathetic normies
Alexander Scott
Not only does it show desperation it shows something worse. The Democrats drink their own kool aid and believe their fake polls. Can't recover from losses if you refuse to address the reason why you lost.
Charles Reed
Ohio will never stop being funny. It wasn't even close.
If they thought they were winning by 16% why would they be so mad?
John Campbell
debunk them
Cameron King
>and this is the part where desperate chinkaroos try to get more people on their side via the usual strategy of manipulation and trying to make their enemy look like a deranged maniac >oh no no no no, look at him, them, usa >USA so bad, they're aggresively standing up for themselves and for the rights of millions of people worldwide. Not getting this win either, chinkaroo ball. Chang, CCP, whatever. >China trying to claim any sort of moral high ground here Hahaha, that's rich. But no.
America is standing up for itself and its citizens. And we're also standing up for the rights and livelyhoods of millions of relgious people worldwide, most notably the Uighurs, whom you've been torturing, tormenting, denying their religious freedoms, blocking them from worshipping Allah (the Almighty Allah, most worthy of praise) and also even experimenting on the Uighur people, cutting them up, and injecting them with all sorts of drugs after purposely infecting them with militarized COVID strains.
Sorry China, you have no moral superiority, authority, or even claim to any sort of moral standards here.
And how many millions of people are currently locked up in secret camps around China and are being tortured, tormented, and experimented on?! How many Muslims?! How many Jews?!
Free Hong Kong Free Tibet. Free Uighurs. Free Xinjiang.