Senekal Protests

I can't fucking believe you Boers. Like I thought at least something would have happened but no you fucking pussied out and let us all down. You let your incompetent police force disarm you while hordes of niggers flooded senekal armed singing openly about killing you. You could have easily kicked shit off and slotted every last eff and and member there including Malema himself and the army and police would have been helpless to stop you due to how incompetent they are. Your fucking people are openly being genocided and yet you sit and don't do anything. For fucks sake your government and police are run by literal niggers. Getting away with massacring all the eff niggers would have been easy. You literally have the perfect conditions for revolt and success in doing so yet you still do nothing. You should be ashamed of yourselves

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Haha, if you thought anything would happen past some scares then you haven't been paying attention, it's like that armed protest with Q going 'the shot around the world' a few months ago, westerners are too civilized for these actions nowadays

i fucking hope they get mugabe'd

fucking nitwits

it ain't though, thing were fucking TENSE for a second, when them commies broke the line one wrong look and it wouldve kicked off

saffers are submissive bitches
simple as

White South Africans aren't willing to stop their own genocide

Very disappointing.
All our so-called "leaders" spent their efforts in the lead up to today, discouraging our men from going.
They all said "the time isn't right" and "violence isn't the answer".
They made deals with law enforcement and shook hands with our political enemies, for the cameras.
As a result FAR less Boers showed up then would have if our leaders didn't dissuade them.
Those that DID show up, were disarmed at checkpoints en route to Senekal and had to show up empty handed.
Meanwhile thousands of EFF supporters came to the event armed to the teeth and mostly unhindered by the cops.

Then we saw the EFF leader, who has been singing "kill the Boer" for years now, sitting right next to the Police minister in court. The same minister who was out shaking Boer hands, pleading for peace and even meeting Brendin Horners father, just days ago.

What a farce!


And our "leaders" who betrayed the cause dont even realise that the optics they were preaching won't help a thing.
In fact, they ONLY made us look weak to our enemy and the world.
The EFF will be celebrating for some time to come, the victory over the Boers in Senekal.

The status quo will remain unchanged.

The murders will continue.

The "leaders" will stay fat and comfortable.


Our friends in the international community were looking for some Boer push back to get behind.
And we have squandered that.

I hang my head in shame

You should scrounge as much money up as possible and leave.

>it ain't though, thing were fucking TENSE for a second, when them commies broke the line one wrong look and it wouldve kicked off
holy cope

>I hang my head in shame
good, you should

the weak suffer what they must

elaborate will you

Yep, I mean fuck it, you clearly don't want to fight, you might as well come to Europe or America, if the boers are willing to take the raping, then don't lose blood and sweat over them

reminds me a bit of that Doolittle guy who pissed his pants

>expecting 1% of the population to over throw all the rest
American IQ at it's finest

Didn't three percent fight over American independence?

nobody expected that, what we expected was a Vrystaat in SA, something they can do whenever they like

Okay, look. Everything you're saying has already been addressed and, in fact, totally debunked by professional fact checkers. Do you even understand that, and how that works? These professionals are committed to sorting the truth from the, shall we say, chaff, and they are so mind-numbingly good at it that they are PAID to do so. When was the last time you were PAID to figure out what was true and what wasn't? Exactly.

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There is only one way to fix this. Shoot all white traitors and cowards. Go to war.

t. Kneeler with nigger packs burning his cities
You have abso-fucking-lutely no right to shit talk saffers, you are same or worse and quickly going to SA direction anyway.

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I fucking new it, while the jewish master race carved its own homeland while defeating muslim babrians many times, whites cant do shit but suck on that juicy black dick

What did you expect ? I'm glad it didn't turn into a Bophuthatswana AWB wignat-tier disaster.

Also imagine thinking most Afrikaners are /ourguys/, most of them are cucks and have levels of white guilt that shouldn't even be possible. I've met an Afrikaner girl in Europe once and she was a shitlib supporting mass immigration.

She also was obese, in case people wonder.

DEBUNKED. It was given to you by cryptokike fake royalty.

>I'm glad it didn't turn into a Bophuthatswana AWB wignat-tier disaster.
yes, slow strangle, much better,

No faggot, we payed the iron price for it

Should have rioted but nope. Today Whites and Boers only care about the moral high ground and optics. Such weakness. So unlike their ancestors.

>t.Passive Mutt, who spends his time on Zig Forums...
And what have you done, in addition to making shitty threads?

And your country can be ended tonight if the US stopped funding you and giving you oil. Thats all it takes. Jewish master race my ass

much like your women, hercyle, i fail to see a point

No one gives us oil, we buy it lile norma people, this is ironoc coming from a man whos country litterally had to be liberated by americans, and will get nuke by a fat fuck if amwrica will stop supporting it

Do you know English or are you a Bokmål speaker?
The OP larps as he would have led a new revolution if he was a Boer
but yet he won't do nothing about the nigger/jew/spic- packs raping and pillaging his own country...

You deserve it for not acting to be honest.
Same for us in the West as well. But we will act.

hopefully this is the future of westerners and christians.

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to be fair there is more to fight for in South Africa than USA. He should however not discount the opportunity to make something good out of his own land

You know nothing about war or what it takes to fight a war.

Indeed, whitrs are the most cucked and subhuman of races, completly lost their will to live

>Racemixing immigrant in Seoul
You have to go back...
Koreans don't like you, you're as bad as the jew

>there is more to fight for in South Africa than USA.

This is the South African "army." This is what you cucks are up against. They can't even figure out how to march. Why are you so afraid?
Starts at 1:10

Keep seething ROAAAAACH

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Based Moshe!!
The amount of delusion with these Mutts is a fucking joke...
All of their political/Media/Elite leaders are minorites, yet they have the audacity to tell others how to do things...
You Israelis are cucking them to oblivion

Youre on loaned time jew, youre going to be usurped by the anglo eventually

Dont worry bud, im fucking russian and lithuanian models, no racemixing here