Protestors keep harrassing Dutch politician. Even though rightwing politicians such as Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet have been harrassed for years all of a sudden this is a problem when it's about the established politicians.
/polder/ Netherlands general
Fuck them all.
The Nether doesn't exist, stop spreading your ass.
(Demunked by snopes)
Keep harrassing Dutch politicians*
Stfu Mohammed
Seethe some more
What happens in Groningen?
They're afraid they might catch the covid19.
They get what they fucking deserve and all of this messaging this last week is either the establishment setting up a false flag or preparing to further ban any form of free speech or protests to keep this fake and gay corona scam going.
Fucking head AIVD spook coming out and proclaiming there's "a risk of loners doing radicalizing and becoming violent" is a load of fucking bullshit with no evidence to back it up. If anything people have become more coordinated in their efforts to show and protest. The way these cunts casually remark that this is all due to conspiracy theorists and people distrusting of government is a joke in and of itself, with all of the bullshit we've been seeing in the past year (our tax collecters fucking people over, the nitrogen crisis which they manufactured, the redistribution of our wealth to the EU and the list keeps going on).
Student parties, STDs, earthquakes due to gas exploitation and Robben
Yeah, especially the fake numbers they keep pulling out of their ass with the media propoganda, 81% of the population wants to wear masks apparently.
Get ready for No Deal, Kankerbros.
> Kamer president Khadija Arib
jep not my government
pluispoes is een kankermongool
Hey, the people voted against a common eu constitution and they voted against the euro. Just like you voted brexit, problem is our politicians don't care and pretend it never happened.
You aquafresh ate your Prime minister in 1683.
Are you going to do it again?
(This is not been debunked)
I especially liked the vid of that legend calling a NOS crew "the real virus". Media kikes were melting down yesterday over harassment. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Why else do you think we invented Joppiesaus? You can eat anything with that shit.
Maurice the Dog his polls are showing 64% or something, the ones from RTL nieuws are bullshit and conducted by a marketing firm they use for a multitude of bullshit. RTL is worse than the public broadcast platform and they seem to be running point to introduce new legislature and they also seem to be the ones getting the "scoops" and all of the "leaks" which contain what the measures are going to be.
If shit ever goes down don't forget what these MSM traitors did and are doing, whoever owns them they chose to not be journalists anymore and instead to deceive and manipulate the public. The word traitor is not good enough in trying to describe how nefarious the goals and malicious their intent is.
Yeah they're probably going to try and get special treatment again, like police officers and security guards becoming 'hulpverleners/ aid providers' and you now get double punishment for resisting them. I imagine they're now trying to get the same.
I hard 81% today from een vandaag, etc, problem is I too walk on the streets and visit the super markets, I think I'm being generous if I see 10% walking with a mouth mask lol. And that after weeks of fear and terror sowing, the npo media even right out admit they need to cause more fear or else people are 'not motivated'.
You get aids injected by faggots.
Netherlands is not real
Reddit already debunked it
RTL is really chummy with the Clinton Foundation.
Food for though.
Gib fish Boris
rtl is a company from luxembourg, they got one coherent news stream across europe.
Checked, I'm noticing the same thing, maximum percentage I've witnessed myself is 25% and that looked dystopian as fuck. Do keep in mind that from those 10% there's a lot of retards also wearing the masks in the outside air.
>hard 81% today from een vandaag
Gijs Rademaker his outfit, don't forge that faggot 's name, one of the core talkshow guests (Jinek) and can't stop bringing up completely insane theories (muh dutch people are self serving) and can't stop bringing up his fake and exaggerated polls.
Proofs (because if this is new to me). It would make sense though if you look at Erik Mouthaan is coverage of US news and how incredibly skewed it is.
Fun fact, for everyone who didn't know this already (and which is incredibly suspect irregardless). Michel Vos who often gets invited to the talkshows as well for his US of A views (as he's a resident and lives there) is the SON IN LAW of NANCY PELOSI, the speaker of the house and one the most corrupt democrats.
Well it's working, i'm seeing more today than I did last week, but it's really annoying how the npo is 'geesten rijp maken' with their endless propoganda. You notice all the clips of people they are 'randomly' interviewing are all constantly in favor of whatever it is they're promoting and all have the same rehearsed responses 'it's the right thing to do.'
And anyone who is against measurements is instantly hyperbooled into some dumbfuck who believes the virus doesn't exist and is wearing a tin foil hat against 5g radation.