>Go under news media tweet
>Screenshot the cover image or download it
>Overlap debunked.png to it.
>Retweet it.

Just for the keks.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-10-16 NBC News on Twitter.png (561x418, 293.76K)

Bonus points if you post a shortned link that leads to porn websites. kek

there u go.

Attached: 1554518486942.png (850x568, 144.54K)

Nah have it lead to nonsensical things. Direct links to porn and similar things is just retarded.

auto bumperino.

Attached: 1602711761329.jpg (249x249, 8.08K)

Well it can lead to anything. It can even lead to a rick roll XD


bumpetti spaghetti.

brumpf bump.

Attached: 1602709340356.png (486x484, 229.22K)

Fuck off with your forced garbage, tranny.


Attached: ascended_pepe.jpg (228x221, 10.74K)

bumpetti afloat.

Attached: 1602664010391.jpg (680x447, 24K)

Been soing this all morning and it causes normies to start doubting Snopes.

nobody ever wants to have fun.

Attached: 1601730797914.jpg (514x357, 76.48K)

>forced garbage
Debunked by snopes pal.

Attached: 214643185-0dcc2116-a48e-4902-927f-2a0eecae3d79.png (540x240, 35.06K)

kek. also last bump. If it catches it catches.

Goodbye threaderino.

numerals and kek wills it


Attached: 40_swastika.jpg (1024x768, 49.06K)

This meme has a lot of potential

Attached: Deboonked1.jpg (603x579, 144.27K)

fren :')

so look guys, it's obnoxious here because it floods the catalog with shitposting. However, on facebook/twitter/youtube they are so dumb that if you comment on a hot topic it just sits there even though it's a shitpost, and it will subconsiously make people hate the term "debunked" and hate the people who use it. this is good because the left uses the term "debunked" and by spamming it until it has no meaning, you will possibly swing voters.

This is actually hilarious. Overlay debunked on everything

Just move it from Zig Forums the absolute state of this place right now is completely shit, so yeah please shit up twitter instead faggots.

I like this. Your request has been approved

I see you are a man of culture.

Attached: dbunk.jpg (867x867, 496.83K)

This. So. Fr*cking. Much.

Let's be even MORE of a cancer!

Attached: debunk_departmentv2.png (521x937, 228.54K)

Attached: _110668777_gettyimages-89277106-1.jpg (976x549, 268.8K)


I'll bump this but I don't use that homo website so can't participate