Is he going to be okay?

Is he going to be okay?

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He rubbed some Antisporin on it and he's fine now

At least he wasn't called a racist, take that bigots

Is that real?

who dis?

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He's fine.

Clearly done by a fundamentalist Amish

it could be worse, he could be speaking german right now

What a fuckable mouth.

He's fine. Beheadings are common in France.

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somebody make a sneed meme please, literally begging

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Doctor here
Yes he is ok


sauce? story?

>merely pretending

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Muslimerinos. Slopes debunked it though actually a white supremacist did this.

His future is going to face a lot of headwind

>Is he going to be okay?

Don't worry, it's just a mild case of Chyna flu.

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Does somebody have the meme where it says that France is such a romantic country but it just shows screaming Arabs and burqas?

atleast he was wearing a mask

I love when racist get what they had coming to them.

Sweetie this has been debunked, studies have proven that 99% of muslims are mostly peaceful and dont spread corona virus

Art imitates life

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Just a bunch of lies to make us accept laws against free education.

Obviously, he died from Covid-19.

Freedom of speech is deadly and has consequences. Don't forget it.

Some Parisian teacher who thought it'd be funny to show a cartoon of Mohammed to his class of urban youths. Some Chechen mountain nigger cut his head off screaming ALLAH AKBAR. Motive still unclear.

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He's wearing a mask retard. He's fine.

yeah, he won't be a racist anymore

This just in: the fact checkers have determined this man died from COVID. Another victim of Trump's mishandling of the pandemic.

We can build him back better

It's just their culture, don't be a bigot.

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Beheading is part of France culture and not out of the ordinary for the multicultural nation.

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he's wearing his mask wrong

The racist wont be calling people mudslimes anymore

Just imagine Biden letting in head-cutters into the hundreds of thousands every few months into America.

Part and parcel

Big poggers to that fellow nigger

>Beheading is part of France culture
This is actually unironically true

White people behead each other in the droves, no issue. But when muslims do it everyone chimps out

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You won't have to imagine it soon enough.

Should've worn a mask and washed his hands. Fucking Chud. This is what you get for killing grandma.

people just need to be more sensitive to others feelings.

He's just tired

only the dead can know peace from this evil

here ya go

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Can i get the rundown

The absolute state of france

Looks like Corona is getting pretty serious

lmao hes wearing a cuck mask

Kek, retard tried to debunk Mohammad

See the mask? He's going to be just fine.

So, kill all the Chinese? Got it. Thanks, comrade.

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It is a crude and archaic form of execution !

In order to be funny it has to touch a cliche.
Problem is Trump mishandled Corona and your country is fucked, suffering due to bad administration.

Is this from Paris today?

he will be fine, was wearing his mask

>How to lose weight with one simple trick!
weight watchers BTFO

That is the liberal's ultimate form. His family is grateful to be able to be so diverse. The peaceful Muslim will now be given a free villa, several underaged girls of his choice, and a Snicker's bar because it truly satisfies.

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He has his anti-covid mask, so he'll be fine.

>Motive still unclear.

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It was debunked

someone nuke paris pls

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I'd give her many, many babies

Stop being islamophobic. Beheadings are part of Islamic culture.

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Look at that poor man, he sneezed his head off his covid-911-always-remember was so bad.

I'm sorry frenchbros, I unironically love french people. Great culture, women, food, humour everything. The stereotypical chill euro dudes.

This is fucking horrible, nobody should be getting beheaded for some imported religion nutters. Nobody should look at this and say "this is part of modern living", this is optional and if the muslims or whoever don't want to expunge this cancer, then it is on society itself.

You gotta put an end to this.

Ask a Burger if we can use their nukes

Yes, he's just lying down, thinking about how diversity strengthens France

deheaded, more like
bunk pending

apparently he got beheaded for being "islamaphobic"


We should nuke Mecca when all the child-molesting fuckers are all packed together, use that stupid cube at the target.
In all seriousness, the muzzies WILL be nuked one day, that is clear as the clearest day.

>not wearing a mask
he could get coronavirus... it's just irresponsible.

Snopes just debunked this image, the guy is just a magician who beheads himself in every stage performance he goes to. He just did it wrong this time.

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And Israel.

Yes. A French teacher just got beheaded by a Muslim invader and other local Muslims are celebrating this. Jews caused this.

STOP THE HATE. The peaceful muzzies just want him to save money! That way he can have extra to buy peaceful Eeeeee--slahhhm books.
He will save a small fortune on body wash and body soap alone!

>Motive still unclear.
it was islamophobia.

France has its own nukes