Nate has lost his mind

Nate has lost his mind.

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So does 538 finally get audited after all this?

I mean he can't be THIS wrong twice in a row without people kicking down his door and asking wtf he's doing.

The people who pay him get plenty of money from adverts on their networks. The polls boost ad revenues

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At this point it's just click-bait "poll analysis". Probably due to the fact that they know the polls can't be trusted, and you're better off literally making shit up.

>Biden winning Texas and Florida


CrackPolls make the anxiety feel less bad for the fragile Democrats.

Nate's anus is a blood and feces dripping mess. His head hurts.

joke of the day

Well because in person voting isn't open, thinking Florida will be Dem isn't the dumbest thing if you just look at current mail in numbers

Nates life is a joke.

He's probably not going to be that far off despite the cope from Zig Forums.


They have his family user

This kike Nate has lost it

He's literally a faggot.

nate doesnt think this will be the outcome, hes just giving an example of a certain outcome

Anybody have the image from election night 2016? Why would he BTFO himself like this again?

Nah, that looks about right.

he's a clone and a faggot?

I think this picture is the exact moment of him losing his fucking mind. Why the fuck would you even post that map.

Attached: 1601989703879.jpg (690x6602, 1.78M)

Many such cases.

Nate Cardboard has already been debunked.


>Biden winning FL
Whites have dropped almost 3% as a share of the total electorate since 2016. Trump won FL by ~112,000 votes, or 1.2%, with over 9,000,000 ballots cast. The drop in White voters, the only group where Trump has a majority, is already enough to lose him the state.

If Whites turn out at the same rate as 2016 he'll lose. He needs to increase his share of Whites and Hispanics if he wants to win in FL. He is polling much better with Hispanics but he's polling worse with educated Whites.

>Nate Bronze
>Having any credibility left

He's been debunked chud

Trump won't lose Texas, Florida, or Georgia. I expect him to lose, though.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-10-16 2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map.png (712x582, 78.73K)

>Biden winning Texas
It is amazing Texas hasn't flipped blue already. Tons of ShitLibs have moved here not to mention all the Spics and Niggers.

Yeah, that’s the one. Thanks user

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He won bigly among Floridian Latinos
Not majority but enough to make up for the dead/fled Whites

November 3rd, 11:02 PM (ET)
>It is now just coming in that Joe Biden is projected to carry the state of Florida, giving him 319 electoral points
>NBC predicts that Joe Biden will become the President Elect of the United States.
>President Donald Trump has called Biden to concede the election.

Attached: Biden Won.png (760x428, 278.71K)

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I agree with this. Should be interesting to see what conservatives/Amnats do after Trump loses, or Texas becomes unwinnable.

Nate Silver's crack ho governor of Florida

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I expect they will retreat even further into QAnon-inspired psychosis, lashing out at "demonrats" for being the "real racists" and blaming "wignats" and voter fraud for sabotaging Trump. That measly $1200 check is never going to enter their mind.

why are pollsters so confident that Biden will win the whole rust belt?

Another delusional kike who thinks that spewing statistics is a viable argument here

the only statistic that matters is rate of registration right now, because its a reliable metric
and you and the left are being outpaced


Attached: Screenshot_20200424-145701_Google.jpg (1363x1618, 847.18K)

This was debunked a couple of hours ago on reddit.

>e-everythings a-alright
>w-we c-can just p-pretend nothing wrong is happening to our party right now
>h-hey y-yea I t-totally a-agree with your delusion
>*crack smoking intensifies*

Kek, take that low quality consensus cracking somewhere else. You niggers are beyond repair. Your delusion maps aren't going to save you from what's coming

Attached: shill.png (454x619, 476.49K)

Fivethirtyeight is owned by Disney/ABC. They publish a couple extra stats but they provide no real transparency into their model. You might as well just watch the nightly news for polling predictions, it has the same level of credibility.


They have the eternal excuse that “Nate doesn’t make predictions, he simply crunches hard numbers. If you were smarter you’d understand.”

Don’t worry I’m sure one of his new apoglists will be along soon enough to lecture us on that while at the same time talking about how he correctly predicted old elections

The people there were voting for a muscular state industrial policy they thought Trump would implement. Re-industrialization. Autarky. Closed markets. Instead, they got corporate tax cuts for the entities that exported the industrial base in the first place with zero preconditions and prioritizing industrializing India, not the United States. Niggers get $500m. Israel gets infinity dollars. Wall St. gets $6T. He puts Blackrock in charge of national credit creation and allows them to use the government's purchasing power to purchase worthless jewish speculative assets at full sticker price to make predatory jewish institutional investors whole. And White Americans get a one-time check for $1200.

Keep thinking everyone is a MAGAot.

He has no idea what he’s doing lol. You have to poll “likely voters” too Nick!

He is trying to discourage and suppress Republican voters.

Not gonna work.

Nate Shillver knows it's bullshit, at least this time around, but he's running a business. He's there to make Democrats feel good with very scientific, real-deal, analysis. Plus if he showed the truth he'd probably be banished.