TDS 656

Let’s have a discussion on this gray October after-norn

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I wonder if they got news-cucked by the Paris beheading

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I just looked it up.

What happened?

Y’all niggas got some of that JNJ?

prolly did

some frog got decaffeinated by a wog. check the catalog, there's about 8,000 threads on it.

I want to know when McNabb is going to get over his head cold.
He's been suffering with it continuously for the entire time I've been listening to the show.

French teacher got shot and beheaded by chechen for showing cartoons of muhammed in class


Okay, look. Everything you're saying has already been addressed and, in fact, totally debunked by professional fact checkers. Do you even understand that, and how that works? These professionals are committed to sorting the truth from the, shall we say, chaff, and they are so mind-numbingly good at it that they are PAID to do so. When was the last time you were PAID to figure out what was true and what wasn't? Exactly.

I recorded it on Vocarro if you don't mind a shitty recording.

Wow, I'm so excited about 3 hours of holocaust denial.

Not at all user pass us the good shit.

> but why...

wow cant wait for 3 hours of holocaust bullshit while sven tries to be funny and fails every time

you said the word. you summoned the paychads when you said the word.

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Do people even unironically enjoy that? I didn't even listen to it when I was a subscriber. All I remember from that show is Sven complaining about mundane shit.

Where is the mp3?

The show starts 13 minutes in

if it gets denied long enough it might actually it should have long time ago

Who's more unlikeable a personality, jazzhands or sven? It's hard but for me I'd have to say sven. His whining has actually been getting out of control. Also on every show he's on he HAS to cut it short while mike has no problems going longer and making more content. His "lel muh contempt for the audience" is no longer a meme, if you post on bang and he doesnt like it he'll ban you, same with the comment threads, and if you ask a simple question on email he'll respond with snark and not help at all. I'd never pay for a paywall again, I just listen for mike and alex

>literally just now posted
How are we supposed to discuss?

And the most annoying thing about all of this is sven knows exactly how to curb his bullshit, because he does it every time he's on air with jazzhands. Like he thinks jazzhands is a totes serious guy so he tries to act like more of an adult when he's on J&J. No interrupting with whining about getting emails, no interrupting with whining about bang. It's like mike brings out the absolute worst in him and it's just sad because it never was THIS bad.

You are a jewish whore and your mother is a jewish whore, and you will get raped by nggers.

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sure thing...but jazzhands has been upping his conspiratard game with extra snark and condescending contempt lately so its a dead heat among those two losers

Stopped listening after the whole Borzoi- tranny debacle

Mike needs to just tell Jesse to shut up sometimes yeah. His wife did just fall off his roof though. Women should not be on roofs

no one is reading your wall of text

the what?

Can you fags fuck off that shit is hilarious and mike obviously plays along with it


1. Sven
2. Jazzhands
3. Myles Poland
4. Borzoi (Nerd that got bullied in school, finally has his chance to shine)
5. Striker/Mike (basically the same person, Mike has absorbed all of Stiker's points and never disagrees)
6. Alex Mcnabb
7. James Allsup (probably only one I would have a drink with).
probably forgetting people but whatever.

Nigger I can like TRS without loving every person on the network
Yeah the complete barrage of snark is why I included jazzhands. I dont even care that he was wrong about covid but the guy has been more snarky and arrogant than fuentes lately and that's saying a lot.


Sven is mildly annoying to me, especially when he bursts into song for no reason, but I can deal with it. The only unbearable person in TRS to me is Miles Polan for being such an insufferable eletist christcuck douchebag lolbert.

Is this the episode you're referring to?

Mike is a weak cuck. Whenever Sven throws a temper tantrum or gets confrontational, he always backs down. I especially hate when Mike asks Sven to literally just Google something and Sven is too lazy to do it.

he get caught in a prostitution sting with a ladyboi

I agree with this list but I actually like mike, alex and james, I feel like they're legitimately good guys. Striker can get kinda annoying sometime but I respect his sincerity and his journalism is great for the most part.

I dont know anything about this. Are you confusing borzoi with ghoul?Seconding this

>if you post on bang and he doesnt like it he'll ban you,
Permaban or temp ban

anyone who claims to have a problem with any TRS nnnguy is a shill or a whiny little homo

Anyone got FTN 350?

Striker’s enthusiasm is definitely invigorating, especially after listening to FTN. Jazz still does good work but he can get tiresome sometimes

>3. Myles Poland
that catholicucks and his desperate class clown can be annoying but sometimes i chuckle
>5. Striker/Mike (basically the same person, Mike has absorbed all of Stiker's points and never disagrees)
you mean stolen...lmao

TRS "humor" is fucking shit. Literally just saying words in le wacky way.

I havent listened to this since it first came out, but if I remember correctly, Borzoi barely even talked the entire time and just acted as a host. I really think hes confusing borzoi with ghoul.

Don’t forget jaaaaassshhh and Chuck

>whiny little homo
Sven already assumed that role lel
If you have any mild criticism about any trs personality but especially sven you're out of there for good. Sven has said multiple times that to him an honest criticism and an actual gay op can be indistinguishable so he is going to treat them as one in the same thing.

How is that even newsworthy? Thousands of murders occur every day.

Hilariously that tranny cv had to admit shes not black at all

Welcome to Fish the Nation, I’m Jawshands McEels with my trusty podmate James Albacore to discuss this weeks news in Jewfish trickery. Prepare to avoid the bait and don’t be a spinnerjig fin brain. The main issue hard working whitefish face is groupers trying to pimp out their daughters to anglerfish and nibble fish. These groupers trick the goyfish using flouderthink, causing the ever dangerous lightswitch fin affliction.

Yea that was a really weird surprise to me. I never even knew she claimed to be black. I even Google imaged her and she looked like either white or le 56% mystery meat

This is proof of jazzhand's ultimate arrogance. When he gets something wrong and gets called out on it he makes it into a "le funny meme" and literally never stops saying it because he totally wants to "inb4 those autist naysayers!!" So now you have 10 different words that mean something completely different because he's obsessed about playing off some minor faux paus, forever

We're support to want war with iran now because a liberal French faggot got his sexual fantasy fulfilled.

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mike is lazy AF to!...he would never produce good content on his in show with monoxide is always a shitshow...that is why he cucks to that wannabee musician loser just so he does not have to do it himself...lulz


That was her whole bit being a black intellectual

Mcnabb really shines in those podcasts with Borzoi. I listened to all of those Hyperpodcastisms within a couple of days and was blown away.