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Too late. Years too late.
Debunked, we cannot
>Oct 16, 2020
Try using something more current. This tweet was debunked weeks ago.
No fucking shit. Does this guy have a phd?
I demand reparations
How do people not understand this would happen? Its dialectical
I thought the left was all about dialectics.
"left" vs "white"
i wonder who the (((left))) is
The Jews who started this shit knew exactly what they were doing.
White identity politics will be the end of the left. It’d be far easier for an organization calling for the advancement of White people to have the numbers and financial support similar to oganizations like the NAACP.
I wish
Another point is that telling White people they’re deplorable and priveliged is that it does nothing to address the problems White people face on a daily basis. Dem politicians are basically telling White people that their needs and problems are unimportant.
How is this a new concept to anyone?
Spiked is actually pretty good.
Ethnic collectivism has been debunked, goy.
This. Death is inevitable and it is not an option.
Maybe this?
> it's clear that the intent was to sow unrest
103 years and still no appeal to the real working class.
our needs and problems ARE unimportant. once we reached the point where there were no consequences it became obvious.
we cannot do anything about it. if we can please explain immediately because we are desperate for a way to unite and act.
>no link to the tweet
>no link to the article
>no archive of either
>(1) post by this ID
Why do people even bother rewarding this shit tier effort with a bump
It's already under way sadly. White people are organizing as we speak because of our deplorable status. It's more of a preemptive move because of the accelerated anti-white rhetoric that continues to permeate our culture.
Of course this is what the jews want, but do we have any other choice?
The whites who started their nazi shit and genocided millions of Jews knew exactly what they were doing. Take responsibility for your actions and suffer the consequences.
>jews want White people to group together to oppose jews
user tell me, out of the hundreds of times you've posted your theory about race and coloration, has a single person been convinced?
funny. could say the same to you.
It's funny that they don't ever directly attack nonwhite collectivism even when they acknowledge it as a problem - it still has to be framed in terms of being a lesser evil which must be accepted in the interest of preventing the ultimate evil that is White self-interest. The center right is just as anti-White as the left, they're just slightly more sneaky about it, and if anyone doubts that rhetoric like this is your proof.
Remember, commie Jews were the ones who caused the rise in Nazism. They should take responsibility.
It's not my theory. I got it from another smug user like yourself.
What's your theory?
>Constant anti-white hatred and propaganda
>wtf why are whites starting to become more tribal and extreme
>thread theme:
whats wrong with white identity politics?
left keeps telling me I am supposed to see color, so I see it now.
Sure you did pal, sure you did.
Please break down the math of how many Jews were killed per day, and give me a understanding of the schematics and logistics of how 6 million Jews were genocided. I’ll gladly be considerate and listen to you explanation with my full attention. I want to be able to wrap my mind around this whole holocaust thing!
They want you to see color but accept the framework in which whites being the evil colonial oppressor works for this life to be anti-racist by giving up everything they have and forever kissing the feat of the negro so as not to be labeled with the sin of being racist.
so you must be atomized and alone and forever begging forgiveness or you are the devil and must die.
oy vey whitey shouldnt consider group politics like black people do
thats racist
I want you white boys to uncuck yourselves and free yourselves from the jew, do it in my lifetime please