Does anyone have the uncensored christchurch video?
Does anyone have the uncensored christchurch video?
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yeah who doesn't?
The one I have is censored by deep learning algorithms.
That one's too blurry but thanks for the effort.
Duh of course not it was a false flag
>lost my video folder recently
>had the DOOM and TF2 edits saved of the shooting saved in it
Holy fucking shit. Top fucking lel
Don't have the full version, only this clip.
I have the tf2 edit on my phone hold on
Why is it so blurry?
What does his rifle say?
I remember watching the original video before it was censored (you can still find it by searching on duckduckgo rather than google)
It was that fuzzy originally.
Because shooting up a mosque full of symptoms of the problem instead of the cause is a solution... the mosques need to go but you need to go first.
Comes from a Facebook live, also limited file size means less resolution/bitrate
fake. a russian grandma in her kitchen sees more blood than this entire incident when she butchers a chicken to cook for the family
We had a hispanic vendor showing some goys here the video the day it happened on his phone. Fuckin based.
>Battle of Tours 732
never forget
So is there going to be a sequel or what?
yup. didnt know it was hard to find. but i downloaded it long ago anyway
I do have it somewhere on hdd as well as the original non-altered manifesto, and tried to post it here once, but it was bigger than 4mb. Being lazy jew I didn't bother to reduce it's size to fit here.
why would they all stand in a fucking corner and allow themselves to die, but this video has now been debunked
I'd like a link to it too if someone doesn't mind. Haven't seen it in awhile.
Thanks, after what happened today it feels good to watch it again.
Yes. I got it like two hours after it hapoened, but only to sell it some years from now. If you want to pay I can send it to you.
I have the full video but it's far to large to upload here. I love watching it when I'm feeling down. Perks you right back up.
It's the full video. Both mosques, full original soundtrack, best quality
Just search it on yandex
its on kiwifarms, soulseek, probably easily found via google