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Bring out the molested kids!

Anyone who votes for a guy who wants to normalize transgender surgeries on 8 years olds is the cancer in this society.

You should be very proud, goy

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Gays get aids and die, biden cant protect him from his own future life choices.

so biden be fapping to the dickgirl loli

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>Biden literally supports voluntary genital mutilation for children
>he will still get at least 100,000,000 votes
This is fucked

disgusting, faggots will burn in hell.


8 yr olds are mature enough to chop off their genitals
No you cant own a gun no one is mature enough to handle a tool!!!

Trannies have been debunked.


We need more trans kids. Nothing will accelerate us faster than dozens of trans kids in every public school across the country.
Dilation Stations in every public restroom and hotel.
Sex hormone infused candies
no more gendered clothing sections in department stores

No one's doing any surgeries on 8 year olds. Quit it with the dishonest strawman.

All of those were true though

No one's doing GRS on preteens, and no one ever will.

shut up faggot

Is this proof of the slippery slope?

You fags are an abomination

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Dilate groomer

"we just want gay marriage"

Indeed. Everything has come to pass, the slippery slope was real.

Slippery slope has always been real.


>he doesn't filter meme flags

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>source: dude just trust literally me
It’s been debunked.

The bottom of the slope is

You best start believing in slippery slopes user. Yer on one.

Well, he can't just "flat out" change any law. People are fucking stupid. I hate this world.

I'd say it'll probably go in this order:
Bestiality (women already get a free pass on fucking dogs)

Might not ever get to necrophilia just because of lack of demand, rather than resistance to it.

“Transgender child”, this is mental illness.

>Mike hack

ok boomer.

Going by the oral history available to me, it was actually somewhat common in the south during that era to deliberately court jewish immigrants under the belief they would help create a stable economy.

>we just want interracial marriage
>we just want to not be called mentally ill
>we just want gay marriage
>we just want gay education
>we just want to be recognized as transgender
>we just want people under 18 to be able to choose their gender despite not being able to have sex
Fill in the blank

Stop acting like they will be 8 forever.

Still voting Biden.

Old Zig Forums would love transgender 8 year olds


He a gud man

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Quoting yourself doesn't rebunk your statements. Doctors may not be literally chopping off dicks but they sure are willing to subscribe drugs to chemically castrate them

In his mind he can. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when he starts a war with Russia and half his forces tell him to fuck off. But in his mind he would be leading a charge against the reds.

Joe is so far away from reality he might as well be on another planet.

Daddy raped you

>What will you do?
>I will do something
And then everyone clapped.

Mandatory sex changes for 3 year old white boys

Which law?
Change it to WHAT?
what the fuck does that even mean

Right the man has been a senator for 47 years and has 0 legislative accomplishments to brag about. Now he's trying to go from the legislative branch to the executive branch so he can legislate. I hate how stupid America is this fucking clown would have been laughed out of the primaries if we didn't live in a country of shit skins niggers and low iq mutt's.

So stunning, so brave. That Mom will get to have a funeral for her kid instead of a wedding.

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