I For one respect that this parent believed in something enough to decapitate some lefty teacher. Imagine the amount of gigachad energy it takes to do this.
I dont blame muslims, i blame the faggots and jews who let them in
I For one respect that this parent believed in something enough to decapitate some lefty teacher. Imagine the amount of gigachad energy it takes to do this.
I dont blame muslims, i blame the faggots and jews who let them in
Muslims are based, they kill anyone who disagrees with them, or says shit about the prophet, I must respect that
friends over enemies
violence over law
all very based traits
next time he needs to properly wear his mask.
The Arab Muslim who wanted this teacher to stop teaching kids about Muhammad and Islam felt more strongly about their ideology than the Christian did about theirs, and so diversity of opinion has prevailed in France. This is what Democracy looks like.
Arab Islamic Terrorism is now an integral part of your culture. This is the future you voted for over the last 25 years.
No. They all need to be encouraged to leave Europe and return to the Middle East & Africa
this is all debunked
>some lefty teacher.
you have NO IDEA what beliefs this specific guy had
guess we’ll never know #diversity
Are you fucking retarded?
He was based as fuck, he showed the kids the Momo Charlie Hebdo's pictures.
Base Bhutan, once again.
BaseD even
Come on, you literally think some french teacher in a Banlieue teaching foreigners about Charlie Hebdo was based? He was 100% some total nihilist lefty
What about sneed doe?
Based as fuck
Alpha in a cuck world
What do you think his last thoughts were while the knife was slicing through his neck?
You can tell by his face he was NPC. He was a piece of shit mercenary brainwasher for the state.
White vs sandbagger, always on the whites side.
Fake and gay. This shit never happened, get some better props Mossad
That photo is obviously chopped.
I am the good guy! This cant be happening!!
Of course he were.
Some sandnog got triggered enough to top him.
Show flag flaggot!
I just realized the teacher is wearing a cuck mask. Hahaaa
did i leave the oven on
kek fuckin kek
hahah so based dying by posting jewish cartoons
snopes doesn't count
2015 : Used to hate it.
2020 : Islam is the last hope.
If they can stop feminism and degeneracy,they have my backing,whites aren't authoritarians and are too mentally weak.
There's something to be said for this...
You can respect an enemy, but not mistake him for a friend.
>EUfag complacent with muslim takeover
I think I hear jamal banging your wife
They may think twice before moving ahead full tilt with the trannie brainwashing, at least in schools with Muslim kids.
>Kids look at how these evil white people represented our saviour Muhammed. This is white privilege in action
he was using a mask
Lol good catch. They didn't photoshop the shirt out. This entire thing is a false flag to discredit the right.
Is he alright?
I don't see a problem with it
says a leaf...
Don't insult our prophet, simple.
How hard is being respectful to people's belief?
Won't it hurt you if people disrespected Jesus?
I know it'll hurt me because Isa bin Maryam is also my prophet.
here comes the tinfoil fags with the big brains
Teacher is beheaded by Muslim with a sword for showing images of Mohammed in class
>why it's false
While a teacher was beheaded in Paris today, the Muslim pupil didn't use a sword.
>What do you think his last thoughts were while the knife was slicing through his neck?
he was probably like thinking
>this is cope
Red string behind the ear. It's a mask.
Why the fuck did he make such a mess, there’s blood fucking EVERYWHERE. How did it get up in his hair and shit?