ITT We All Laugh At Frogs
those digits are no laughing matter
nice digits
wait a minute... those numbers
Time to put a french flag as my Facebook profile pic now. Thoughts and prayers mon ami!
holy 4th reich the digits
kek smiles upon us today
Nice digits OP
those digits...
what did he mean by this?
Je suis Charlie
Laugh at what?
Fuck the Frogs.
You had the chance to earn my respect in 2017, now you shall suffer my meme magic.
Why should we laugh at each other ?
this is all tiresome
that feeling when you love your country so much but it is lost and you can't do nothing about it except making yourself up and having a family
I wish I could say more but you guys know that we can't even say shit in the internet now in fear of being thrown into justice
Marine le Pen is a leftist, she's utterly shit and therefore her winning wouldn't have change a lot of things
kind of ironic to see frogposting in a thread laughing about frogs
>be French
>become a teacher
>decide to one day show your class some funny cartoons
>get your head chopped off
Hitler is still laughing at them from the grave
I'm afraid you aren't in on the joke, Monsieur
It's happening.
I grant you her daughter seems more based.
8/10 would wife.
the french were the intelligent ones knowing not to fight back against him, you cucks are the faggots that doomed all humanity for resisting it
In all seriousness....I feel you man. I finally gave up on my country after the debates.
I mean, I'm still gonna vote and shit, but I know it's pointless.
Remember, I'm laughing at your countrymen frog-bro. Not at you. Hope you make it.
Based digits
Just sip your wine Pierre everything will be ok :^)
Fanatiques religieux, racistes, antisémites et islamophobes : même haine, même violence...basedons vigilants et refusons toutes les récupérations abjectes. Notre combat est celui de la tolérance et de la liberté !
what's so funny, mutt?