Are they drugged?

why are they always so obedient at their last moments?
why not get up and run?
he will die either way

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they're going to get virgins and chill with Allah
white sharia time wake up

kill yourself muzzie wog

>Are they drugged
Yes, also they're pre-traumatised with multiple fake executions beforehand. By the time the time comes, they fucking long for death.
Such a peaceful religion, such a complex culture

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Λογικά θα τους λένε πως θα τους βασανίζουν αν δεν τους σκοτώσουν έτσι.

you hold still in hopes of a clean quick cut, the alternative is a miss and slow painful death


This is bulllshit.

You see the same thing in cartel execution videos. Most people become like deer in the headlights. It is human psychology. You surrender to your killer rather than fight. It is the terror of death that freezes you and makes you almost catatonic.

You have to really prepare yourself to fight at the moment of death, like that Italian killed by ISIS. He probably was determined to do so for a week before his moment of truth.

If someone murders corners you and your father in the favela and cuts off his head, then pulls out his heart, it is hard to fight in your last moments, you are more or less in shock.

After half a dozen mock executions you're probably 50/50 over thinking this is mock too and being ready to accept the inevitable.


Allah is merciful, and allows His faithful to perform their necessities quickly.

they made peace with themselves and embrace sweet grip of death

What did the italian guy do?

I heard that ISIS did mock executions before actually going through with it for precisely this reason. They wanted to make their victims simply hope for the quick release of death instead of the pure horror of realizing that it was yet another mock execution.

Lmao brazil , you cant make it a month without killing and raping thousands

The same thing happens in disasters like plane crashes etc. Once you truly accept you are going to die, you actually become very calm. Its the time leading up to that acceptance that is filled with terror.

Another pic of the 'wonders' of the child rape religion.
Keep 'mostly peaceful' Muslims out of the west.
Islam brings only barbarity.

Maybe you are you fucking pussy transgender faggots willing to surrender to subhuman dogs

Imagine allowing yourself to get captured by stinking muzzies and not going down in a hail of bullets taking down as many as you can

I don't know about you guys but I think its time to start being an active Christian.
Go to church, raise white christian families.
Stock your country with the people meant to be there.

What Italian guy are you talking about? Is there a article or video?

because you staged mock executions for your captive already... how new are you to isis?

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fought, did nothing, and still died

the retard you are replying to is acting like this is a "deer in headlights" psychological situation and not something more in the vein of "learned helplessness" pretending to know how to brain works so he can larp online about how he would totally fight the dudes with guns and swords who are about to behead him when they could do so so so much worse

>Another pic of the 'wonders' of the child rape religion.
That is debunked.
Read the koran.

>mock executions before executions
For what purpose

because it's better to die from decapitation than skinning alive

Plus they do mock executions.

nah, the guy who you replied to is right. when people are cornered they usually choose to either fight or run. it takes a lot of conditioning to get that out of their systems.

because in the end they realize Allahu akbar

Religion turned them into sheep

That's why they are so obedient, they stopped caring long ago. They want death so they can escape their hell.

Cruelty and to help break down the morale of the prisoner.
But primarily cruelty.

Always save the last bullet for self -- and before that, use the hand grenade on the enemy

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but slower death
this is considered mercy killing outside of domesticated societies

No. That is because people fail to process a disaster is ongoing.

Mental torture.
You break the man, kill his fight..
This is what you do to prisoners. Executions that are spur of the moment usually have shock and trauma as part of the pacification.

and they probably fuck up anyone with torture during those mock executions if they fight back as an example.

sauce on italian chad?

>"If it were me I'd Bruce Lee my way out of that situation and kill them all and save the day!!"

These people are tortured for weeks, go through dozens of mock executions, and then are finally killed. You've never been broken before, it takes far less than this to make someone long for death.

Tried to pull off his mask and yelled "I'll show you how an Italian dies"

I remember hearing about how they would torture them if they ran away so maybe the idea of getting cut open and having some raghead pull out your organs while you're still alive doesn't seem to appealing. It's really no wonder they opted for a quick death.

No, they aren't drugged. They are in shock, they just want it to end, they don't want to face more torture and people just give up.

You should watch a bunch of videos of animals being killed by other animals. Herd animals run and run from lions but when they are caught they flop around for a few seconds and then they give up even though it takes several minutes for the lion to kill them. Humans are the same way. They just give up.

kids have to watch this shit? no wonder their people are so violent

Usually, its because they tell you it will be quicker if you don't resist or try to run. They say if you resist or run they will make it worse either for you or family.

allahu snackbar

i dont get the pol mentality in regards to islam
if you cant fight them join them. isnt that defeatism?

Definitely enriched bringing them here

they would just rather get it over with rather than smell these disgusting muzzies for one more second.

Death is probably welcomed at this point, they've probably been beaten and starved and seen what happens to people when they try and run.

two words.

Mexican Cartels

They only show the weak ones.
I’m sure many fought until death, but that doesn’t make for good propaganda.

You mad white girls want Islamic BULLS?

Attached: Breeding white girl.webm (272x468, 1.66M)