Oh no no no no magabros

Biden attracted higher ratings than Trump, lmao

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Like actually debunked

probably because everyone who watched trump did it online. only the middle aged wine moms and baby boomers actually watched it from their tv

A message to my FaceBook account debunked this.

5.4 million is a lesser number than 2.8 million says the OP tranny shill that just got debunked and will now join the 42%


Biden's town hall started earlier and lasted longer, so ofc it would have a higher average.

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and not just faked debunked

Why does this matter so much to the left? Why do they think it matters to us so much?

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Biden landslide victory inbound

I know this is bait, but are they counting the all the people who turned over from the trump town hall to watch the remainder of the Biden town hall?

Get Debunked!

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There's a few explanations:
1) Liberals watch more TV and YouTube
2) Trump actually got hurt by censorship of big tech. His followers weren't allowed to share as much on social media.
3) People wanted to watch Biden more
4) Biden was more invested in the marketing.
5) Media is in the tank for the DNC

I could add more but whatever

it was a great set up by the networks to get people to watch Biden. everyone finished Trump and watched the second half of Biden

Bidens was on longer, hence inherited all of Trump's viewers.

Sorry but this was debunked by individual fact checkers on reddit.

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It matters to Trump lmao, don’t pretend that he’s not obsessed with ratings.
Nobody cares about what you think about muh ratings, you’re a nobody who is not the president, who will be seething about his shit ratings. How comical.

This is unironically the correct answer.

Debunk this

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Our non-british fact checkers corroborated this claim.
>it's over

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And yet you chinks are posting here about magabros seething.

this has already been BOOBA you fucking retard

Biden:14.1 (2 hr average)ABC
Trump:13.5 NBC

Attached: Final-Bcast-2020-Oct-15-THU.png (562x366, 39.73K)

Alex Jones gets more "ratings" than all this shit.

already debunked

1.8 Million views on MSNBC.

Notice that Fox still has views around 5 million despite Trump being on the other channel.

Attached: Final-Cable-2020-Oct-15-THU.png (703x1203, 191.61K)

And an extra 700,000 on CNBC

Attached: Screenshot_2020-10-16 SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals Network Finals 10 15 2020 Showbuzz Daily.png (932x60, 6.45K)

Mehhhhh. Trump supporters get frustrated seeing their guy get treated unfairly, so they wanna watch the other guy and see if he gaffs again.

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who in their right mind even has CBS, CNN, MSNBC?