Huh, would you look at that

You're all full of shit. You have no power to spread your propaganda, because we are dedicated to debunking it. You are going to lose.

Attached: snopes.png (833x326, 94.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Found OP

Attached: 1603198096211.jpg (782x652, 141.87K)

Notice that they're not saying "No"

It is like they are not even trying to seem unbiased anymore.

Attached: trying.jpg (675x402, 58.45K)

Attached: 1603226252776.gif (340x255, 2.22M)

Snopes has been debunked can you get your conspiracy theory shit out of here

>False doesn't mean False
Oh look a Trumplet who can't even read, what a shock.

Why so angry tranny?

Attached: 1603193908924.jpg (640x480, 214.18K)

false is true
weakness is strength

that's your motto bro

Attached: 1603081036103.jpg (488x460, 54.08K)

how could snopes prove a negative here?

>obsession with transgenders
I think you're trying to suppress some deep urges user. Are you trying to tell us something with your obsession with transgenders?

Attached: 1599340961104.jpg (646x485, 61.51K)

snopes is satire

I choose truth over facts you cunt

The debunking has been debunked.

Attached: 6ee.jpg (600x600, 54.57K)

The only people that use snopes or fact checkers are the same type that would still vote for Joe Biden even if he was on the videos thay are on Hunters laptop.

Nice deflection tranny.

Attached: 1603182878238.jpg (678x616, 194.74K)

Attached: A638CAC8-0A4A-4B0E-9BE1-10A540C42F41.jpg (1125x1115, 219.01K)


Try to keep up hun, even CBS News is running with it now. It’s fuckin Over for Biden.

Bitch, load up in the bunk.

Attached: 1602850234350.png (1020x852, 831.48K)

Theyre stinking up our board with their rank and manly musk from the gaping wound they call a pussy.

Attached: file.png (640x392, 111.97K)

You could have called me a basedboy or a blue haired sjw, but your obsession with transgenders is leaking out in every post. You hate what you identify in yourself. You want to wear dresses and get fucked like a girl.


Attached: Screenshot_20200928-071939_Instagram.jpg (1080x570, 300.52K)

Checked and keked

It would be hilarious to do a chud version of Snopes that debunked stuff like the holohoax and trannyshit.

If only shitty democrat DAs will keep OP locked up next time so he can’t shit up Zig Forums

Attached: 2C76BED1-6F09-498F-A239-AF91DF4B2E13.png (798x876, 385.74K)

This source just rebunked it and debunked snopes

Attached: 1603247141875.jpg (1035x307, 69.99K)

What a surprise that you are a tourist newfag here to make a retarded thread. You don't even know what words are autochanged you spastic tranny.
Enjoy roping in 2 weeks. Dont forget your medical dildo in your pussy, hairy wound today.

Attached: 1603196714067.jpg (447x413, 61.76K)

Isn't Snopes run by a couple that unironically live in cat piss?

>we are dedicated to debunking it.
Cant win the free exchange of ideas so you suppress discourse


Attached: 1602810693695.png (805x851, 88.79K)

>imagining a transgender's vagina
Do you do this often? How bad do you want to have sex with a transgender woman?

Checked. Based old meme.

No, it's run by Toxoplasmosis.

How could they fact check this without seeing the evidence? They’re just assuming it’s a lie.

>Responding to free speech is suppression
Wow and you people are supposed to be pro constitution? lmao

Lying to people about a federal investigation isn't free speech.

Back to twatter tranny. You have failed, just like everything else you have done in life. Enjoy the 42 club.

Attached: WARRANTY LOL OP FAGGOT.jpg (389x283, 20.69K)

>Lying isn't free speech
Keep talking and proving how retarded you actually are.

Checked and keked

Attached: 1603069102235m.jpg (1024x682, 58.93K)

responding to free speech, what?


Attached: 1599198459693.gif (500x391, 535.14K)

Lying during an ongoing investigation can be a criminal offence.

Look at this retard hahahaha. Holy shit. Hope you enjoyed your short visit to 4chat newfag. Back to plebbit/twatter now.

>snopes, without evidence, does their best to cover for biden and democrats
nice try op now kys

Previous poster claimed the left "suppresses" free speech by responding to it with their own free speech. That's not how suppression works.


Defending a pedo? Your pretty fucking sick man

But that's not what he said, did he? He said lying isn't free speech. He is a retard, and so are you for trying to move the goal posts.

>That's not how suppression works

Can you give me some examples of suppression, in your terms? Who deserves to be suppressed?

This is LITERALLY libel, you should delete this.

Attached: 1600916459669.png (1125x1475, 1.45M)

Your post has been debunked, and the contents turned over to the internet council of list-takers. Your name is now on the list. Pray I do not expand it further.

Attached: 8c8c9528968d9a826c8cec99828e66dd.jpg (620x413, 47.44K)

Suppression is the use of force or the threat of the use of force to restrict someone's rights.

What kind of rights?

Attached: 1601374978391.jpg (1023x1365, 392.6K)

You are a faggot tranny. Kill yourself and stop wasting everyones time. Fucking lefty tourists.

i can't believe how many sincere shills have flocked to Zig Forums in order to deboonk this. this is absolutely amazing.

What would we call it? Schnopesberg?

Attached: file.png (839x451, 437.33K)

>why won't you listen to my horseshit?
You're barking up the wrong tree here retard. Kys.

Attached: 1603165405740.jpg (785x731, 75.92K)

bathe in cat piss, you faggot

Why are you protecting crack smoking pedophiles?


Holy fuck

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