Looks like Ron Johnson, stereo salesman, is owed an apology
pic related
Sounds long in the nose but large if veracity is shown.
Post link.
Fake? Gay? Link?
Laptop? I thought they had a copy of the hard drive, not a laptop.
Have fun in jail rudy
geeez, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
this is a happening of epic proportions
kek has been good to us
((((police source))))
missed a word, shill
did NOT cp? so the notebook himself didn't but hunter did?`what are you talking about user?
Learn to photoshop retard it’s obvious
Where do images like this come from? Someone took the time to create this. And somehow you found it. How is that possible?
This is Joe's?
Rudy Giuliani wouldn't put child porn on Hunter Biden's laptop would he?
Trump keeps calling it that.
Wow, good thing Hunter's not running for president. Hope you idiots have fun getting stomped in the election.
>did not child pornography
What did she mean by this?
>more MIGAtard fantasies
OMFG If my gut is right, then the elites are all mostly hypocrites.
Scrapple Mommy
y no new stations breaking this shit
lol they will probably arrest Rudy Giuliani, all of his attorneys and the shopkeeper for possession of CP.
Hunter will be left alone to smoke crack and fuck cunny
Tell your handlers that you need new content because no matter how many threads you post this line in, it's not going to change what is happening.
it was on r/195 ik ik its reddit fuck off
>The laptop was then turned over to leftist Delaware Attorney Kathy Jennings, who turned it over to the FBI Wilmington office, so it’s now back in the hands of the FBI.
Its ogre. The FBI had the hard drives over a year ago and didn't investigate or arrest anyone.
go back nigger
You haven’t lived until you’ve stopped at an Uncle Willie’s for a greasy gas station scrapple egg and cheese.
Rudy put porn on it... nice
nice try dyke
kek right back to the F B I
fucking boomer idiots
This is legit the most retarded conspiracy. No arrests, no evidence, no official statements just tweet after tweet of unverifiable bullshit
Btw my source at the police station said the Trump pee tapes are real
yea, I'm thinkin he's back
This should stress to everyone the importance of INFOSEC. Destroy your old HDs and don't be a crackhead.
I guess it's possible that Rudy had images/movies of hunter Biden with kids that he then put on it, but pretty unlikely
>Imply that won't totally backfire and ensure a civil war with military picking side
He makes me so God damn mad. I would have snapped his neck five ways before the secret service even noticed.
More sources confirming the BevanCooney story
Imagine running damage control for a pedophile
>Its ogre.
It's all copied. It's too late.
idk how to do the second part
So cops are scared and playing hot potatoes. Tell me why we shouldn’t defund the police?
>won’t investigate CP
>won’t stop the riots
>Do arrest citizens protecting them selves
>Do arrest citizens for going to church
Get out of here stalker
that video evidence alone should have put Biden in handcuffs... he's nonchalantly trying to violate her... and it's on camera. He literally has no limits.
Let's goooooo?!!!!!!!!!!!
checked and good lord what the fuck is wrong with this woman?
They have three hard drives and the laptop.
They're rolling these things out over the course of a few days.
The worst of it is saved for last for maximum impact.
RIP Cooney
Officially racist/hate crime to call the police on shit skins
Who will investigate federal child pornography charges when the federal investigators are compromised? Maybe he'll go to jail in a couple years from now.
Would. Anyone that says otherwise is a fag
Time to apologize to this man who broke this last week
It's been years since she felt this visceral thrill. Leave her alone, she's only acting on ancient sexual arousal instinct.
Let's turn it back in to the same people who have been sitting on it for months and have been confirmed for Clinton and Biden shills.
Hope not
I sort of feel the same way, it's a bit hypocritical of us to buy all of this without even a scrap of something concrete
But on the other hand, it's even more difficult to believe so many influential figures decided to torpedo their careers at the exact same time just for a chance at incriminating Biden by proxy
It's off limits before the debate
I wouldn't normally agree with you but I must respect the get.
same. He obviously tries to fondle her. Anyone voting for this piece of shit is either ignorant or complacent.
This. I have no idea why you faggots cared that BLM was pushing the pig's shit in. They're worthless.
>oh shit its all real
yeah we alread knew
>No arrests, no evidence, no official statements just tweet after tweet of unverifiable bullshit
He just went to the police today with the evidence, faggot....what do you expect, arrest and charges on the same day ? You sound like one of those BLM fags, who riot for "justice" 2 hours after something goes down.
>our police source
literally she admits to tampering with evidence
lock her up along with rudy, the russians, and the blind shopkeep, if that really even was his name
absolute shitshow america is, ffs
can 2020 get any worse? /s
This has already been deunked.
MKUltra Alter coming to the forefront there for a moment
If that's the case, then her genes aren't very seductive.
>Tomorrow’s news today
Based AJ
He also called out the chinks year and a half ago
Cool but how does this tie back to Joe Biden?
seehe. u.s. attorney can maintain a chain of evidence and build a case you stupid fucking idiot.
no one cares
groypers = mic. we see thru you how are the generals?
Imagine if it wasn’t CP but just an entire hard drive of BBC porn
So? The obvious question to the DA who passed it off (or to the police chief) is: why did you pass it off? What did you see that you felt required FBI investigation?
This confirms the story more than anything. No, they are never going to show you actual CP, but that dummy DA just lent the entire story credibility.
Start with non shit parents.
Consumption junction dot com
Now leave immediately or sooner
>yes, a satanic pedo cult is a massive player on the world stage
>they're also likely psychic vampires that feed on the suffering they cause to the citizens
Alex Jones was right about it all
>Imagine running damage control for a pedophile
Put up or shut up. The only evidence I've seen actually disclosed is the text messages about a crackhead sitting around smoking crack while naked in his home with his kids. Imagine that, a crackhead acting like a crackhead! Pizzagate was at least 100x more substantive than this has been so far r.e. pedophilia
this is the best you have? lmfao
she ran drugs for Mexican cartels and associated with Detroit gangsters.
Chris Coons was so scared of her after she slaughtered him in the first debate he backed out of the second debate faster than Hunter Biden got suicided tonight.
Even if the fbi just holds it, it's been passed through multiple hands by now and there's no way that at least one person doesn't just go fuck it yeet and post it online. That person would most likely end up having committed suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head an hour later but yeah.
Tweet after tweet of unverified bullshit.
If there was cp and confirmation that it was his laptop, there would be no delay.
That's a major fucking accusation right there. She better be right or she'll get sued.
Amerifats lover their burgers but detest child predators, old fart Rudy pulled it off.
>me arguing with my family about politics some weeks back
>I just think the foreign policy is good, we are getting out of foreign wars, and we are focusing on American interests and the country, before the plague, was clearly getting stronger
>Ok but I haven't seen any evidence that that is true, and for that matter I haven't heard even any stories that sound credible on that front. This is probably just like Kavenaugh.
>few weeks later, they let me know they voted early for #RidingWithBiden
>I've literally shown them the videos of Biden molesting kids on national TV
>Now we find out this shit
hehehehe, Christmas is going to be so awkward for them.
>They're worthless.
No, they are dangerous to law abiding citizens
lol another rich young "classically attractive" white girl whoring for her 15 minutes of SHAME
where did lauren southern go?
oh thats right shes all used up now, of no more use to the "right"
on to the next lauren
fucking pathetic
Would soak her in hottub for a good 20 minutes before hot sex, she would be so warm and pillow soft HNNNNNG
If true, isn't Rudy in trouble for going around showing it to everyone?
Yes, no joke
Pedos aren’t born. They’re made.
Joe fucked the shit out of hunter
>according to sources
Wake me up when they name their sources.
The fact that the FBI is holding it is proof there is evidence of something on it. The Delaware DA wouldn't have turned it over unless there were something justifying turning it over.
If a third party with an axe to grind hands over a hard drive to the police, how do you prove someone actually owned that HD originally?
Won't they have to subpoenas the internet/phone companies involved to verify if it's real?
Next week we find out Joe sent the CP.
Its better not to bring up politics at the thanksgiving/Christmas table desu. You don't want family members who are too far gone politically to not like you.
>it's been passed through multiple hands by now and there's no way that at least one person doesn't just go fuck it yeet and post it online
this is what people said about the Weiner laptop. Still waiting...
well, pack it up biden bros, trump won...
>entire hard drive of
China colluding with D and RINO to release covid to defeat trump2020
That pic. Topkek
Discovery would be hilarious.
she's very safe too wears seat belt.
Explains why they've pushed voting early it locks their vote in before their shit comes out.
>anonymous source
I hope these retards bothered to make a backup copy because this thing is going to mysteriously vanish into an FBI acid washing hammer machine just like Weiner's laptop full of HER_EMAILS.jpeg
All the Qanon talk is going to make the left think this is fake.
Shill harder!
still no proof jewcie smullet fags
Yup Biden would never touch young girls inappropriately
thats pretty sick by Giuliani,
I hope they really didnt hold on to this specially with Trump knowing
I think that's the plan here. Shine light on it and make so many authorities see it that it's impossible to cover it up. It also brings into question what the FBI was doing with it for a year.
Based legally blind computer repairman. The small working class man fucking the deep state by their own hubris.
lol nobody would be shocked but him because he won't be able to remember it
Light her up
>If there was cp and confirmation that it was his laptop, there would be no delay.
Cops need to do a thing called an "investigation"....you mong. Give them time to look at things, and then act. If they fail to do something AFTER, then is the time to bitch about things....NOT the same day.
You know Joes brother owned an island 6mi away from Epstein. Complete with submarine base on both island to take “customers” to and from pedo island
I get like 10 emails a day from this bitch, its really irritating. who the fuck is she?
>Jewish Qnigger on twitter claims
Oh my family always starts shit.
Just how it is. Despite that crap there's a formally stated and sworn priority that our family has for one another over any political differences.
Yeah there’d have to be a war over that
So Biden's son is a child connoisseur big deal I myself indulge in cuties like the next normal person get on with times boomers
bug man photo of course
Pretty hot for a jewess
this shit is going to make a great Mel Gibson movie.
>shoot a man
>get arrested
yes, this is exactly how its supposed to work, you arrest the suspect and investigate what has happened. im sure you can figure out why investigating a fatal shooting is a good thing for society.
according to police sources its okay to keep child porn with youand show it around to your friends "for science and justice" if you are some MIGA faggot