I hate White People AMA

Hi!22 yr old autistic Indian channer here. I really fucking hate white people. Why? Because they make me feel like pathetic dirt .......I want just to be a white guy and fuck just one cute white girl, it's my ultimate fantasy. I want white people to die out just to heal the pain of havin to be myself. Does that make me evil?


I am south Indian too, and I get seen as a weird freak a lot and it really upsets me. I spend lot of time drunk/high browsing Zig Forums to trigger myself. I look very dark almost like a primitive proto human kinda, I'm smart too but I have a very primative facial composure.

pic is how I wish I looked kinda
Brown hair and blue eyes, like the most cute girls look
>I have very black shitty hair and black scary looking eyes that make me look like a criminal no joke

Should I just an hero? thanks

>btw born in South India (Tamil background) come to USA as a kid *age 7*, basically feel like an alien here
((((PS- THese threads are the only shit keeping me sane enough to not kill myself cuz i have zero friends and hate my life, thanks for caring about my opinions, I know im a weird guy but please don't hate me)))))>

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>basically feel like an alien here
You are just a tool for the amusement of your parents. No good person would ever try to raise a child half a world away from their homeland.

You will always be a street shitter, that’s all I need to say.

>he fell for the white supremacy meme
Whites chicks are hot but so are indian chicks. I once got with a north indian chick. Shit was nice.

Fake and gay

go back to plebbit and stay there you fucking nigger


If you lived in your nation with your people you would not be having these problems.

We invented the word Pajeet for you!!
Don't you think we love you?
Fucking sensitive Pajeet, just bants
Now Bobs and Vagin! Open show

Noo I like being middle class in USA and I'm fuckin happy my family runs a business. Asshole.

Reddit has based shit all day. You are a homo.

Move to the country.
Get the fuck out of the mice experiment city environment. Nobody belongs there. Not even niggers. Not even poos. Buy a small house on a large plot. Get some animals. Meet a 6/10 white girl with a cute face. Take her fishing and camping. Have fun. Live your life. Go to church. Stop blaming others for your problems you self loathing potato. And please fucking god do not get plastic surgery to look like us. That shit is cringy as hell. You may not be white, but you can join them and live a good life. And your children's children can be pretty much white.

Hey man that sucks. I hope you get some help.

Fuck off I'm looksmaxxing after moneymaxxing and FUCK CHURCHES AND CHRISTIANITY

Female. I always thought the men of Indian descent I have interacted with were very respectful, adhered to their religious beliefs in a peaceful way, and enjoy spicy foods and education. The porn staches- no. No deodorant- no. Dress shirts for no reason- no. But otherwise, not a bad choice of guy. You need to tell your countrymen though that the world gets news about the mass rapes so women think you are all horny little raping rabbits. Could work in your favor though in some situations.

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No you are not happy, you have made it clear, that is BECAUSE you live here, money is not enough.
You belong in your nation not here.

You could just take the gay pill, then you could fuck cute white guys instead.

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ewww NO HOMO ewwww

You will always be a fucking leaf.
That's all I'm saying. Dogfucker.

Ok I felt bad for you until this post. You are just another immigrant roach who won't assimilate. Get out, an hero, I don't fucking care just get away from us. You have a country, make it middle class there. Fucking poo. Nobody in America cares whether you are south Indian or northern. Jfc.

Go home you smelly curry muncher you're the least desirable of the races, your chances of finding a wife in a multiracial society are smaller than your micropenis.

you do not belong here, in the usa. youre only here because marxists let you in. good luck w your self esteem though


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Just find a cute light skinned Indian girl? Plenty exist. You could also go for asians since technically India is part of Asia. Then there's also the possibility of an albino indian

>I want white people to die out just to heal the pain of havin to be myself
i'm pretty confident this is what all the 'white supremacist' shit is about. poc with an inferiority complex. it literally doesn't exist. no self-assured and balanced POC frets for one second about 'white supremacy'.

suck my dick homo

I stay where I want Zig Forums is my bitch

You just suck and prove the point.

I wish the human population was made up exclusively of beautiful white women.


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Sorry to hear that I wish it different for you.

-white person

> I hate white people
> I want to be white

user, I...

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I’ll be your friend bro
Hit the gym
Hit some reps for me
Believe in the me who believes in you

Ellliotpreet Rogersingh

You secretly love white people, don't you?
If I would hate Japanese, I wouldn't be fuckin happy to live among them.

YOur desire comes from hollywood brainwashing. Its th emovies that shape peoples views, especialyl if they grew up. Now if there ar emostly white people doing awesome stuff etc then ofc you'll want to become one. Why do you think japanese women are so obsessed with white men? its the same shit.

At least you’re honest about your hatred and can identify the source as being your own inferiority. An insight into the leftoid mind. All things considered, you deserve death because of your genocidal desires. Since you’re able to introspect and realize why you’re so broken, a quick death has some merit. Don’t kid yourself about your intellect though, physiognomy is very real.

closeted white supremacist here, i dont care, i still fap to cute indian girls

their skin is a precious shade of caramel and their eyes are so big, and the way they shake their head when they are excited just engorges my dick

indian girls are just perfect and i want to coom all over each and every one

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You think Japanese women consume hollywood productions?

> come to USA
Must suck having such selfish parents.

>Dress shirts for no reason- no.


If you go back to India you won't surrounded by all these white people you hate much.

Or if you don't wanna live around other people that look like you move to a nigger neighbourhood. If you hate us your gonna love the niggers

>im not white but i live in the west
not reading your post. get the fuck out before you die, invader.

>I want to fuck cute white girl
Just save some money, make a trip to Amsterdam and fuck some hookers.

Also when we are gone... who's gonna stop the niggers from raping you?
The Jews?
Lol no.

>>Should I just an hero?