redacted name is Natalie Biden
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No fucking way you autistic son of a bitch
sauce? what am I looking at? post the originals
It was on Newsmax from Hunter's laptop.
Put me in screencap
what else was posted
post originals
Based Hunter getting what's rightfully his
bros shes kinda qt.... dare i say based?
this is natalie biden
You're fucking right dude!
This is the daughter of Beu biden, and her mother literally was fucking Hunter as her father Beu was dying of fucking cancer.
Then this fucker goes and smokes crack around his fucking niece naked and taking advantage of her mother. This fucking piece of skum should NEVER have been allowed to fucking leave jail let alone run a MULTI NATIONAL FUCKING COMPANY.
that sick fuck diddled his own fucking niece...
did sleepy joe rape her too?
God bless the autists of the Chan.
Based Biden
This poor CHILD is about to be a household name like Monica Lewinsky. This world really is fucked up.
Suddenly this picture is 1,000 times creepier. How hard do you think he fucks her bros?
I run a major conservative publication but I won't post details about this kid. We need a different angle asap.
If these sickos were passing her around I want to see them hanged publicly.
How about you post the details about the molester, not the kid, dummy
Keeping it in the family lmao
oh my god
you serious?
this could blow the whole case!
shut it down
The name is already out but don't you have media laws protecting abused minors? Its not gonna be daily on the news.
Based and seconded.
What are you trying convey? Her identity without naming her?
I feel so bad for her man. Imagine being born into this.
Then don't mention the kid by name? Fucking retarded nigger.
Seriously, Zig Forums should feel proud of itself. You are true, red blooded Americans. Doing God's work, son.
Already have. Bigly. My problem is with all of these other people posting this kids name.
Am I the only on here that thinks Natalie is behind this all.
She seems like one of those manipulative daddy’s little big girl that hates men type.
Like she would manipulate hunter or joe to touching her cause she’s sick
"As the abused parties involved are children we are redacting their names and referring to the abused as Jane Doe."
so hunter was molesting his dead brothers tween daughter? lmfao there is no way biden makes it to nov 3rd.
No balls
The quality of threads continues to deteriorate.
Shut up Hunter.
Hes probably fucking her right now, getting his last rounds in before he goes to jail
Built for BIG Republican Cock
Guys. Joe was seen getting milk shakes with Natalie.
What did he mean by this?
"Grandfather fucks granddaughter porn "
post pics plz
just say a "minor female relative"
that's naomi actually
There are photos. Get wrecked faggot.
She got money for therapy and drugs. Dw about her
this is some fucking creepy shit, so he's fucking his dead brothers wife, walking around the house naked smoking crack around his niece/step daughter... the grand daughter of joe biden who he kisses on the mouth in public.. what the honest to chirst fucking shit. fuck treason fuck politics joe and hunter need to be gassed.
Holy shit. This is actually shaping up to be a happening
Drop the following in the article
>she; her
>his niece OR a close relative but not his daughter
>not publishing her name as she is (NOT WAS) a minor
>she has been seen publically campaigning with Joe