How does having a shitty son, make Joe Biden less competent president?
You fags are grasping for straws it's hilarious.
How does having a shitty son, make Joe Biden less competent president?
You fags are grasping for straws it's hilarious.
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why is this reddit spaced
It's only half a straw. The other half really belongs to our dad.
>bait thread 1536
Man these emails really have you shills scared, don't they? Do you get paid overtime?
oh wait, we're talking about his son?
biggest you're an autistic faggot.
Called out
I unironically agree. I don't like biden but why would I care what his retard son does. I'm not voting biden but that has literally nothing to do with hunter
>oh no
>i'm irrelevant.
Well, it kind of depends if that shitty son had his hands in all kinds of foreign government cookie jars and had to hand over half his cash to daddy Joe while trying to save enough to budget for crack cocaine and strippers with whatever was left over
Seriously, Joe is a shitty father
Hunter should've been left alone to spend it all as he pleased.
That shit is fucked up in my opinion