>Niggers are complete retard criminals
Explain this glorious genius bigots

Attached: ben.jpg (1600x1067, 896.47K)

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He invented cutting brains in half.
The post that don't tell you in the one half is still conscious. It lives in a prison forever watching. He is evil incarnate

Libtards dont understand population statistics.

It's like a 9 to 1 split, excuse me for generalizing you tard

Niggers are but black people aren't
You see there's a difference

>what is an outlier

Lol libertard logic

love sleepy ben wanted him to win the primary

>hur dur, I don't know what a statistical anomaly or rare exception to the rule is
>i'm just pretending to be retarded
in all fields

i see one wittle weewee, yea every mouse has a weenie. and if we could catch a little mouse man, then we could see some little feet too.

He is rejected by the nigger community. Coon, uncle tom, acting white. They know they are to pathetic to actually accomplish anything impressive.