Is he going to pull it off again bros?

Is he going to pull it off again bros?

Attached: 32C5BA9A-4AA5-43F3-ABAE-078965158BB8.jpg (4694x2652, 955.21K)

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Ain't lookin good chief


But it wasn’t looking good in 2016 either.

Na. The couch sitters are voting Biden.

>muh emails
same disinfo like 2016, looks deliberate and trump is definitely compromised

i won a bet in 2016 but i won't bet on him this time
he should've built a wall

Landslide victory.

Tomorrow morning Biden will suspend his campaign due to "personal issues" and it will be announced that Hillary will take his place.

He is going to win by a larger margin than 2016. It’s just basic math.