Joe is fucked now.

Twitter has suspended the account of Police Commissioner who exposed 28,000 child porn images on Hunter Biden's laptop.

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Other urls found in this thread:

how long until these imgs are released?

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He's done with. Why do shills still think he has a chance?

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Police Commissioner discusses the CP coup.

You seriously aren't expecting them to release child porn are you? You can't possibly be that fucking retarded.

FB and Twitter on suicide watch.

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Because unfortunately Hunter Biden isn't Joe Biden. This whole pedo bullshit is distracting from the business ties emails which can actually sink Joe. This pedo shit is only on Hunter.

So it has been done before. Posting images that are banned to prove it happened. Could be blured out faces and T&A

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To what degree does that matter? It's honestly more likely that the average IQ voter would be disgusted by pedophilia this close to the candidate than they would care about corruption which they seem to take as standard or tolerable with politicians. CP images are a lot harder to deny too, whereas any talk about their corruption has consistently been written off as Russian propaganda.

>Twitter has suspended the account

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Joe Biden doesn't have very long to live, now that his son and he himself have been in the news, dousing everyone around them in guilt by association that won't come off easily. But I guess he hasn't stopped being useful to the Dems in some capacity, which is why he hasn't contracted COVID yet.

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>Twitter doubles down

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Its about smearing his whole family. A pedo son means a corrupt father. The China story becomes more credible in the mind of the normie.

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Hunter who achieved all his personal success by his dad leveraging his influence from his job which was supposed to be serving the American people, not his own crackhead pedo child.


Getting desperate, are we?

you aren't getting them back, Hunter.

checked. Biden catches Covid tomorrow cant make debate.

>Breaking News, Twitter guise.

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The american people need to see it.
They need to see what their psychosis and pathetic spineless existence has allowed in their name.

newsmax is literally a Q-tier propaganda network

Based Biden for POMFUS

Bhutan user knows

Biden knew, hunter sent texts to him talking about it.

Biden was aware and did nothing

The jew media is refusing to report on this.

How do we know Hunter Biden wasn't trying to stop other pedophiles by posing as one himself?
He has connections to the government after all. That makes a lot more sense than him having done anything wrong. You guys don't have the information to arrive at negative conclusions.

>americans for limited government
>please government, regulate this private entity and dictate what they can do on their own platform

This could finally be the end of the neckbeard tech guy phase. Like Manson ended the hippie error. God i hope so.


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LOL he included Joe's hairy legs

Because no proof no arrests?
Because Hunter Biden isn't running for a public office?

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Do you think federal agents only keep 3 or 4 images of that sort when they do their sting operations against real pedophiles?
Of course not.

I didn’t even consider that. It would be nice if more of my industry looked like professionals.

Wow the pictures he exposed just flew over my house! All 28,000 of them!


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the business dealings alone will be what really gets them
but the pedophile shit will be what turns all normal people against them

do not think for a second you're going to convince majority of fathers and mothers and grandparents across this country to accept pedophilia

>I was only pretending to be a pedo
Ah, the Eichenwald defense. Works every time.

US Says Google Breakup May Be Needed to End Violations of Antitrust Law

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>This pedo shit is only on Hunter.

absolutely kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot

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>28,000 child porn images on Hunter Biden's laptop.

Okay he didn't say that at all but did heavily imply some of the photos are bad news.

No, it's the prurient material that gets the American public to take notice. Then they bring in the business corruption and pay for play.....then perhaps, if necessary, the outright treason.

(((They))) are pulling out all the stops because they know if Trump gets a second term he will be able to finish clearing out all the swamp dwellers, in high places and simple places throughout our federal government nationwide. And probably, he will be in a position to take down the big honchos, maybe even the Clintons. It's like dominoes: if Biden Sr. goes down, Obama is next. Because what Joe knew, Obama knew. And Trump will be able to prove it.

If Trump literally survives past election day, it will be a massive victory. I can't imagine the stress the Secret Service is under. I would bet you that Trump literally sleeps with a pistol under his pillow. Probably every top notch assassin in the country has been contracted to try and get him.

>Muh section 230
Ok, brainlet.


Holy shit. From what Kerik is saying, the evidence of corruption could be even more compelling.

This thing has a fuckton of ink. If the Biden side starts bitching about chain of custody, you know they know they're fucked and the contents will be devastating.

A website like the original "fappening" one will be anonymously made, launched and publicized.

There's nothing to defend. Everyone who knows Hunter can vouch for his benign character, and frankly you're all just lost and confused.