Is Brave /OurBrowser/?
>not using librewolf
>the best, unpozzed firefox after waterfox sold out
No they misrepresent "income" from browsing with ads.
Digits point to no.
didn't brendan eich catch a bunch of shit for donating to trump or something? lol
how so? they pay you in crypto.
Some dude invested it into hex and got like 10k from browsing the internet
They don't pay you. They make you donate to content creators
I'd use fucking Internet Explorer before I ever touch Antifox again. A shame too, it was the best browser once upon a time, but not since the s*y chugging javashit m*llennials took over "development".
I use duckduckgo on my phone and edge on my PC. I had used brave for a while but its just chrome with stupid memecoin shit
no, you definitely do get paid you dumb fucking leaf. you have to enable ads first, set how many per hour, set your location, and that's it. later you have to set up a wallet past 20 BAT or whatever to get the shit out into an exchange but no, you're just literally retarded