Why slavs are allowed into WN?
Why slavs are allowed into WN?
>people on Zig Forums unironically believe the man on the left is white
Because unlike you, we're masculine, serious-minded men.
A thread died so a paki could post his trash. Unironically kys Mehmet ibn Anjalalabad al Londini.
>not being a Pole/German hybrid
Best of both worlds and alcoholism and jew hatred is preingrained in your blood.
>people on Zig Forums unironically believe the man on the right is slav
pewdiepie vs mongolian man
You all look the same.
Average Russian
ok that picture is actually funny ngl
Ah, it's the daily seethe thread by the scottish user who's obsessed because a polish plumber fucked a girl he liked.
Angols are literal niggers
They're not
"Oi mate you there?"
"Oi, we know ya don't have the TV loicence paid for! We know where ya live. Know when ya sleep. Know where ya daddy lives too! Pay with money or pay with blood, your choice mate"
Ukranies have to be allowed
Nice try, nigger.
What the fuck is this? Why do they do this?
la creatura
Seethe harder üntermensch
post Norf FC memes boys
Average slav
Ukranians are Germanic ppl who speak a slavic language
digits confirm
>Nethercuck calling anyone untermensch
They're arabs?
Why is there a hammer and sickle on his buckle? This picture doesn't look that old
russian woman
i call bullshit, if they had that Germanic autisim they wouldnt be Moldova fucking tire
Just bongs being bongs.
>people on Zig Forums unironically believe the man on the left is white
I'm a slav and I look exactly as a man on the right. What are you talking about?
Imagine being proud of such a shitlhole that even niggers don’t want to go there
holy copeoly
What does that sentence even mean?
>All slavs are shown as unreal freaks
>There is no Ukraine in the pic
I even know who made this schizo picture
kek source on the vid?
russian men
i think the cop might be gay
They’re more Germanic than you Björn herring shagger.
They are descendants of the Goths and the Vandals. You are a fringe group on the outskirts of the white world.
Still much better than begeing a fucking slav subhuman.
We're just imitating you.
>imagine living in a country where leeches and niggers are not allowed
I wish I lived in such a rich and prosperous country as Sweden :(
Holy shit looked at these retards
russian muslims are whiter than half of america
Ukranians are Germanic Ivan the drunk
Brits deserve this
>Bong talking about how slavs are not white
also this is bongoland 10/10:
Somebody insert that pic.
>Boris seen worrying for the only white child in the class
it means they are desperate to get a job and be relevant in any way and they will have no shame in doing whatever it takes, including sucking off globohomo in front of cameras.
Lol your university grads are moving to Sweden to clean toilets and do other slavery type jobs while living in the same subhuman ghetto’s as the niggers do.
you say that like its a bad thing Daan, i like what we are, and no, Ukraniens arent Gemanic you fuckwit
Thats a German man.
88 digits
Well, I have to accept that, Ukrainians are allowed.
go to sleep Misha. U r drunk as usual.
Cope. Ukrainians are literally russians, but with turkish and jewish blood
>Lol your university grads
No they don't
You can take our uneducated bydło though :)
Fuck off OP. Average Russian man can be seen to the left