Why haven't you guys grown your crops with fish?

Aquaponics is based
>easiest way to grow food and weed and khat and cocoa
>literally putting freshwater fish in at least a 10 gallon aquarium tank, letting fish poop in it, fish poop ammonia becomes nitrites and then nitrates which feeds your plant and gets converted back into the tank as pure clean freshwater
>infinitely easier than growing in soil
>not very expensive

Be self sufficient

Attached: what-is-aquaponics-for-cannabis_result.jpg (640x818, 91.78K)

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Literally imagine the smell

Smell of the weed?

Any slight smell of the dank will be far overweighed by the smell of pure refined piss and shit
Here, for example, its mostly likely a fellow fat idiot realising the depth of his error.

Guy has a literal tank of thawing fish corpse stew
Idiot killed his fish because they froze therefore hydro is dumb
>fearing the indoor farmer

its not just hydro, its another level of complexity the average idiot cant keep on top of, on a commercial scale with people employed at wage to maintain it, it's worthwhile albeit probably more expensive or it would be used everywhere, but for anyone with a life and a job, its just your usual Zig Forums self sufficiency faggotry, unfeasible and idiotic.

his fish died retard

Wouldn't just buying the fertilizer be cheaper? Unless you already own fish for some reason.

bump for interest

Attached: 1488936440449.jpg (292x294, 12.39K)

Wtf is this demoralization nonsense?
Go back pegging your cat, you low effort basedboy.