They probably came from Calais. so we're just sending them back really
Justin Watson
>Gendarmes >in Paris
Kys and sage it
Caleb Jenkins
There were two cars actually and with fake license plates. This was a premeditated attack by British nationals on French soil. This is a first and it’s gonna be a huge story.
Xavier Parker
You realize this is what is being reported by news media right? Gendarmes protect embassies. This gendarme was stationed near the Israeli embasssy.
Nicholas Walker
You're not getting the fucking fishing rights. Accept it.
>on the playground he used to spend most of his days
David Reed
The eternal A*glo strikes again
Nathan Allen
Sir Oginons, please forgive us for we are not allowed to understand the concepts of free speech over here. Do with them as you will we have no desire for them back.