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Hope they have guns. When Americans did this I believe a mussy showed up and got shot.

they'll probably deploy a shitload of cops there

To help kill the racist?

kek, some french cops whatsapp groups screenshots were leaked some time ago and it looked a lot like Zig Forums


Just gather up a bunch of pigs and alcohol. Easy.

Didnt muhammad has such an ass.

wew lad

Based. Piss be upon Mohammed the pedophile. Hope it enrages millions of mudslimes.

They need armed security or it will end badly.

Is France the new Germany? Based

WW3 imminent inshallah, accelerate

how many humor threads?

piss be upon him and all his followers

Breaks out over a cartoon in current year. Sounds legit.

This is not the way to white Sharia. However removing shitskins gets us closer. Inshallah!



>This is not the way to white Sharia. However removing shitskins gets us closer. Inshallah!
You are a white supremacist 'muslim'..... Next you'll be telling me that Muhammad was a blonde aryan....

Did they say that Isreal is their biggest ally and how trump is wining?

That shitskin is such an unsightly faggot, it's almost worse to look at, than feminist art.
I can understand their rage, I'd be upset too if everyone knew the leader they lick the ground they shit on for, were this repulsive.

armed security wont be able to do much, chances are some guy drives a van through a crowd of people

This is more interesting then us politics

F for the victims from the chimpout that will come out of this, maybe with will make europeans wake up faster

spoiler:it wont

you know what would be cool? if we spammed muslim twitter with pornographic mohammed pics

Bloodshed incoming

Hopefully something happens i am bored there havent been any happenings for a while but i doubt anything will

kek has spoken, triple 7 of truth

Imagine not thinking this is b8. Low IQ paki detected.

2/3 of bloodshed confirmed


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>defacing the holy man of arabian religion is free speech
>loli cunny is not

clown world

How hard is it for you to respect my religion? You would be offended if I drew horrific caricatures of Jesus, would you not?

Can someone translate it to English? Thanks in advance.

I was going along with the joke you dumb polack.

Also, there are actual white supremacist muslims/people who think Islam will protect the white race from degeneracy.

The racists that are invading. Yes.

Spam all french mussie with moo hamm ud


Attached: melstock.jpg (262x192, 6.9K)

Based frogs dont disappoint with the good liberalism. Keep yourselfs safe


No pics?

Didn't Mo have ginger hair?

Not based. Because you do thiis out of your beta atheism and dislike for Muhammad who was known for being chad. Not because you want to avenge children killed in Nice.

Our churches are being them.

I'm totally cool with you getting offended by offensive characitures of Mudman and killing us for it, if you won't complain when we do the same for your offensive drawings of Christ.

Yet they would never ever call out kikes. What a good timing for a beheading to occur.

>no u
Tick-tock Mo. The British are close to taking you, your brothers and your sisters and dumping you all in the north sea.

Islam is honked from the start.

fucking irish at it again

Asshole, the Quran explicitly mentions Jesus as son of Mary and Joseph and tells the story of the prophet. Kikes are dividing us.

Rolling for truck of peace.

>Next you'll be telling me that Muhammad was a blonde aryan

user, I...

I've got to admit lads every once in a while these fucking frogs grow some massive balls. Shame it doesn't translate into votes it seems like.

>Fight a religion, draw penises and butts.
How can you look at this and not be sad about western civilization? Where are the public slaughtering of these heathens like they do onto you? This is more like, 'we treat God like shit, we will force you to accept us treat your god like shit too'.
It will fail and France will fall if this is your hill to die on.

How hard is it for you to respect the literal laws of the land and not murder people?
People have been drawing caricatures of Jesus before he was even crucified, why do you think he rode into Jerusalem on an ass?

dont give a fuck. muslims are trash.

Man, if we did that here we'd be jailed and dead in a year of unspecified natural causes.
God Bless France!

do you know how expensive it was to rent a camel with chauffeur?

Smells like a new Bataclan coming soon