I'm trying to learn about ww2, most people here are skpetical of history. Change my mind.
Post WW2 redpills here
Other urls found in this thread:
Read The Myth of German Villainy
Read Germania ( archive.org
Watch The Greatest Story Never Told
Watch Europa: The Last Battle
No red pill
But we did not win WW2...
Lost 40 million plus whites
Lost all of Eastern Europe to Communism
Israel was created
But hey we stopped the Nazi’s right?!
>not living in a totalitarian society for the last eighty years is loosing
Having lived in totalitarian societies I have to say, you know nothing of what you speak.
Yes we stopped the Nazis and that was a very very very good thing.
Why would anyone watch The Greatest Pile of Crap Ever assembled?
Hours and hours of lies. A waste of life.
High IQ post, but wehraboos won't understand
In a way I am glad they don’t. Living a fucking miserable life because some jackbooted (or towelheaded) power hungry bully can throw his weight around is actually hard to imagine until you have done it.
I am glad they don’t have the experience
Sometimes an experience like that makes you appreciate the things you've got
quite. I presume you are old enough to remember pre glasnost? Although your current regime is pretty flakey as well.
No, but the current regime provides hints here and there of how it used to be when they had a free hand at oppression
now we can fight for globohomo and for our daughters to get raped by niggers
talk to your grandparents about how awesome it was to live in a totalitarian regime.
imagine what the Nazis would have thought of this place.
oh by the way, you just posted on a banned boar, please report to your local National Socialist reprogramming centre, or we send the gestapo round to beat in your door adn take your entire family to the camps...
you want to live in that world?
yo could of course freely choose not to do that. which is the point, kid.
>muh totalitarianism
There's a difference living in a communist and natsoc society.
>oh by the way, you just posted on a banned boar, please report to your local National Socialist reprogramming centre
Wouldn't happen to me because Zig Forums is a natsoc board, cuck. I proudly welcome censorship of communist faggots
>you want to live in that world?
for my enemies yes
The biggest redpill of all is understanding that everything we enjoy in modern times was created and developed by nazi's or was directly influnced by theor achievements in science.
Literally everything
Four wheel drive, satellites, the microwave, rockets, plastic, Tv, cell phones, anesthetics, amphetamines, etc...
Almost everything in the last 100 years was made by either a Nazi or a german.
>Wouldn't happen to me because Zig Forums is a natsoc board,
it is an anonymous board where people can freely express themselves. Look at the vast range of opinions here - the majority not nazi, and indeed I would say anti nazi.
so this place wouldbe banned. Even looking at it would get you vanned and gazssed.
like pete townsend - done for having kiddie pron when he was researxhing kiddie fiddlers to catch them to lock them up, because he was abused as a kid. doesnt matter if you say "but I am a good nazi3 - you have seen the posts of anti nazis, you know too much - you have been corrupted, and you must be weeded out.
that is what totalitarian means.
and in reality the difference between totalitarian regimes is slight. theocracies are as bad as ahteistic commies, nazis are as evil as any marxist.
you should understand this. if you give absolute power to other people, they will crush you. they will crush innocents. they will bully everyone.
not just your enemies. they will crush you. that is the mistake that people make. they think it won't be bad for them. it will be. you will not be free. and you will miss it.
Dude you're a newfag here that came from reddit or some other shithole from the way you type and how obnoxious you sound. I guess it's because of the election. You're just naive, and your post is just rambling with no coherent points, just "this is bad because of some overgeneralization".
The only thing that matters is your people, which is represented by your community and by extension, your race. If I need totalitarianism to achieve that, I will.
you need to lurk more, but try and question people more than just spouting garbage. try and use the socratic method to try and poke holes in fascist and natsoc ideology and you will be very surprised with how much you agree with.
>The only thing that matters is your people, which is represented by your community and by extension, your race
kid you are probably underaged and should be banned, by the way you type and the ignorantly blythe way you would embrace a living hell.
before Reddit, back in teh days of typewriters, people were taught to double line space at the end of paragraphs, because it made for easier reading. so when I learned to type on an Imperial 56 manua typewriter int eh 70s, I got the habit drilled into me.
and now ignorant noobs who were not here before there was evena Zig Forums board (yes I am that old) talk about "reddit spacing" when they have no actyual argument of clue about what they are supposedly discussing.
it is the weakest of ad hominens. It is truly shit tier.
come back when you have some life experience, and get a fucking grip on reality.
nice propaganda.
yeah great for someone who does nto care about freedom adn does not care their government is funding all this through theft, plunder, and unsustainable war preparations which will plunge their future into hell.
for a more accurate account of life under the nazis try this
by the italian consulate in Poland.
>you need to lurk more,
why? ten years of active contribution to the board isn't enough?
If you cannot control your attention span enough to have a conversation then
fuck off kid, learn to think.
Bankers and Jews had it pretty rough i see.
Hello holohoax frog. Your posting style is immediately recognisable. Did you only come to the thread because of OP's picture?
The holocaust actually occured.
Literally every italian that ive met that had grandparents that lived under mussilini fucking loved him.
Coming off the heels of WWI, the American public wanted nothing to do with another war in Europe. Then Pearl harbor happened.
kikes S E E T H I N G
Wait, are you the fabled french holohoax fag?
so none of your friends had socialist grandparents.
so what? if he was so loved why did he and his girlfriend end up upside down on barbed wire?
your small, very long after the fact, romanticised past, sample is hardly a good indicator of what it was actually like.
tell you what, why dont you visit oman, or Sudi arabia. or Iran. tell me how much you love a totalitarian state then.
>Lost 40 million plus whites
>Lost all of Eastern Europe to Communism
>Israel was created
That#s what you wanted though?
I love how the winners of WW2 are more butthurt about it all than the losers. Just Anglo things, I guess.
It's all cope and seethe
The Nazis were allied with Turks and various shitskins and murdered millions of whites. Le Aryan larp was fake and gay
>the majority not nazi, and indeed I would say anti nazi.
That's true though. Here, the Jew is right for once, this board is probably one of the most leftist places on the net I know.
Your an idiot. True some jews died in world war two. But if they were death camps NO ONE OF JEWISH Blood could be seen exiting and being moved between camps. We have paperwork to disprove this. So when i say your a idiot i mean your Ignorant. You can fix Idiot but you can't fix stupid. Only stupid people don't care about the truth so if your stupid get the fuck out of here.
Blue pill homo. Go get your head cut off
since all those posts are mine, it would be singular. but it would still be incorrect, as I am neither seething, nor jewish.
your ignorance is a good thing. you have not had much life experience. No doubt you go thorugh your life depressed every day and sething because everything that is worng with it is becasue of the oppressive jews. but you have no real idea what oppression feels like. What it is like to not trust anyone to speak your mind to. to not be able to joke, not be able to ven try to discuss any political topic. with anyone.
the nazis frequently purged their own. New nazis would be no better. look at the ridiculous "cancel culture" of the left, where a lifelong liberal progressive can be cast out of the rans formaking one non PC rmark, or having one doubt about one policy tha tthe leadership, the mob, has decided to hound them about. Imagine if they had actual power, what they would do.
you feel repressed becasue you can' declare your love of nazis in public? imagine how it feels to be unable to discuss anything with a stranger incase they report you tot he thoght police, and they come for you at dawn.
you don't have to be a kike to see that totalitarianism, in any form, is evil.