animaniacs is now anti Trump.
Animaniacs is now anti Trump
forgot the link
>animaniacs making fun of the president.
nothing new about this fuck off.
Being pro-propaganda has always been an anti-establishment position op. Wouldn’t you agree?
So is anyone with a conscience.
>jewish owned media pulling out all stops now
dont act like they werent cometely kiked from the start
They’ve always done this to whoever was in office at the time.
>watch cartoons from decades ago
Why do soijaks do this?
>Imagine watching Amerimutt cartoons in this day of age being 30+.
Holy shit that's disgusting, but at least they acknowledge that it's just a cash grab and has negative entertainment value.
Of course it is/was. That's literally why they brought it back.
They should have just let the series die in the 90's.
I watched all of it, as well as all of Pinky & The Brain, and it didn't age too well.
>europoor retard doesnt know how animaniacs work
they made fun of clinton and bush before this is nothing special
They made fun of Bill Clinton in their original run, Stop being such sensitive cucks
>comments disabled
>like/dislike ratio hid
amazing how they think they are the majority when they silence any opposition
That show is still on? Jeez I thought it ended with the 90s, I haven’t seen that show since maybe 1997 at the latest.
I have not heard about this show since the 90s? This can't really still be running. Is this just some fan made you tube video or something?
is kelsey grammar still Brain?
Lots of shows always make a reference but I remember they never really picked on King Nigger, they always tied to make him look like he was the coolest thing ever on gay shows from seth macfarlane and that rick and morty pedo shit. When family guy made fun of bill clinton, they still tried to make him look cool. They only ever defame republican/right leaning presidents.
Leftists don't have a conscience. They just repeat what the programming tells them.
They didn't make fun of them retard memeflaggot, it was more like playful banter than anything else and nothing like what's in this trailer
Animaniacs is back?
Even beyond the Trump reference, this is just unfunny as shit
The sad thing is, if they were going to budget for any animation remake, it would be this one. It looks about the same quality as Family Guy. If they were shooting for only 12 episodes, they should have done better. This is going to flop. Animaniacs fans are pretty devout and kind of weird and scary. They’re going to hate it, and this show won’t have any broad appeal.
Big orange cyclops I can take?
>Never manslpainy
It’s obviously not him. I don’t even have to look it up.
>foreigner doesn't understand american traditions
poking fun at the president is a time honored tradition. always make fun of leaders, it helps to humble them.
I wouldn't expect zoomers to remember that speilberg dunked on Clinton hard back in the day. I'm sure it's legit hatred over Trump now, but these old kikes do have consistency to fall back on in order to deflect criticism
>is kelsey grammar still Brain?
He never was.
The thing that gets me is, why is there zero shading now? It just looks weird
>It's an american tradition to smash the patriarchy
I believe it honestly, fuck america.
When it aired it in the 90s it joked about bill Clinton, I think they just ridicule the current sitting president.
T. would be Trump voter if I were American
Animaniacs has always been pop media reference: the cartoon, it's just Trump now instead of Spielberg.
Spielberg cartoons have always had a bias to them. Watch Pinky and the Brain, they do it constantly.
> We are the animani
> never mainsplayny
> acs
They are going full woke, arent they?
I bet they wont even show BOOBA nurse
>Implying that anyone on Zig Forums even remembers why renting a bedroom would be a scandal
>comments and ratings turned off
Imagine the ratio
>Clintons portrayed as reasonable versions of themselves
>Trump portrayed as a giant fat orange cyclops
>Shitty globohomo animation
>Animaniacs making fun of a sitting president
So exactly what they did in the 90s?
>oh no, not current day pop culture references!
The oldfag in me wants to give it a chance. If they're sticking to the original formula, it's inevitable they're going to make these kind of references. The problem with reboots is when the pozzed shit turns preachy. See: rockos modern life
>You can't laugh at politicians
So yet another 'remake' with globalhomo throughout? "yawn'' this shit barely registers anymore. Just another reason to try and spread piracy to more people.
Do explain
Who got these digits, let us see.
Oh, a fag.
Please post some negative Clinton skits.
Not that I expect it to come across that way, but making fun of presidents used to actually involve fun jokes and wasn't just very thinly veiled seething that the election didn't go your way
It’s just a failure all the way around. Swing and a miss on cashing in on nostalgia because of sub-par animation and a modern-day woke comedy environment barring any boundary pushing. People unfamiliar with Animaniacs will find it dated and boring. The only way to revive a show like this with any degree of success is to make it a true labor of love to please the old crowd and have them entice newer audiences to check out both the new and the old animation.
He rented out the Lincoln Bedroom to people.
Clinton (((allegedly))) airbnb-d the Lincoln Bedroom, essentially:
This. Animaniacs has made fun of so many presidents.
For how often maga hats point and laugh at "triggered lefties", they seem to lose their shit awfully easy over a playful jab at orange man in a childrens' cartoon.