So yesterday in Nigeria the government massacred some protesters, shit's going down currently

So yesterday in Nigeria the government massacred some protesters, shit's going down currently
Timeline of events
Nogs in London

Attached: Ek2vJQeX0AYLHhJ.jpg (680x513, 66.49K)

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Oh no

Not even niggers like niggers

only if the US would've used the same force during le peaceful protests

lol. this Niggers should be shipped back to Africa. but brits are massive cuckolds

>niggers here wanna go back to africa since it's "better than racist america"

systematic racism and colonialism is responsible for this

Oh shi... and BLM was silent about this
This means BLM gives consent to killing blacks

Bunch of nazis

This sucks because I literally just launched my MLM into Nigeria

Attached: IMG_20201021_173443.jpg (680x766, 110.11K)

just dead niggers, albeit not enough of them. who cares?

whos gonna sell coke now?

What are they protesting?

that pic looks staged AF

>black people killing black people
Statistically no one cares unless they can blame whitey

Looks like it's time BLM starts a chapter in Nigeria.

Yeah there was a long line of them walking through Trafalgar Square just now on I. That direction. May be 200 or so marchers. It sounded like tribal chants, I had no idea what they were up to....There are always people protesting and marching about some shit or another on a daily fucking basis in these parts!

It probably is knowing niggers, trying to get the west to take more africsns in.

>niggers kill niggers
see how bad it is in here whiteboi lemme go to your country
>country gets filled with nigs
>niggers kills nigger
where to this time

Why isn't there footage? Even tribals in Africa have smartphones

Livestream of niggers nigging in london


But Black Lives Matters?

Look at the blood on dudes shirt, that photo is staged as hell.

This is horrible! We, as western countries, should allow more of them to come! They are in danger of the government and we could use the diversity

Kek that link


so normal tuesday?

and on the 20th 900 prisoners escaped from prison and bakwanamaha, africa


Please go ahead and call them racist, oh wait...

niggers know how to deal with niggers. western world needs to learn from the pros.

Who honestly gives a shit about that? Shit like this happens all the time in that shithole.


They're protesting to “end sars” lol. Theyre even pushing it as a hashtag. I guess that means coronavirus? Silly monkeys.

Attached: DE6C848C-801A-45CE-B493-8B6C2FBC1411.png (646x680, 226.5K)
>The mayor of eastern Congolese city of Beni on Tuesday said 900 prisoners had escaped from jail, including members of an Islamist militant group.

get some rest Cobbee Bean, you look like you could use it!

I hope every black person kills every black person and they all die in an apocalyptic struggle.

>muh black lives
I ain't even gonna say it all because it's bullshit.

>no blood
>no wounds
> two niggers dick down the dirt

Alright user, who hurt you?

niggers acting like niggers... in a nigger country.
water is WET. did you know???