Boomers, I'm fuckin' done with you

Fuck you, Boomers. Fuck you, Boomers. Fuck you, Boomers.
>They got THEIR trick-or-treating memories in the 1950s and 1960s
>They had the joy of taking THEIR kids trick-or-treating in the 1980s and 1990s
>The US government tells them there's a bad flu out. "Fuck today's kids! Their childhood fun isn't worth the risk I'll cough!!!!"

Fuck you, Boomers.
I have one, MAYBE two more Halloweens left before my wee ones will start wanting to trick-or-treat with their friends. My wife and I are trying to cherish these final innocent years. Tonight, NONE of the fucking useless, terrified, cowardly Boomers were giving out treats to the kids. Our fucking street was a goddamn ghost town. All the families with kids were out themselves.
One final note: My nextdoor neighbor is a young couple from Serbia. Two doors down they're Russian immigrants. Neither grew up with Halloween....and yet they were perfectly sweet, handing out treats to the kids. But the fucking Boomers were all hiding inside their fucking homes believing that little trick or treaters are "diseased".

I'm fucking done making excuses for them (and I have made many defenses against them when Zig Forums mocks them).

Attached: halloween.2020.jpg (1152x864, 173.38K)

Wear the N95 mask, bigot.

I honestly forgot it was Halloween tonight

If you were socially responsible you would be learning the yung uns to eat bugs like Greta says.

Kek cry tard keep crying. Lmao

literally no one came to my house tonight, i even bought candy. i can't eat all this myself D:

>But the fucking Boomers were all hiding inside their fucking homes believing that little trick or treaters are "diseased".
Can you blame them? One coof and they're six feet under. They're already extremely unhealthy due to the American Diet™.

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A time is coming when the generations they slander will refuse to support them. Imagine being an 80 year old boomer and one day the SS checks don't roll in. The terror when they realize they have to go back to work after 15 years out of the workforce. No more management for them. I will be their boss.

>b-but you cant furlough me, im an old man w-with a mortgage

Too bad faggot. Free market economics 101.

Give them a halloween yourself fagola. You couldve gone to a hayride or something. By the way, who was at your house handing out candy while you were out taking pics of porch lights for your blog?

Kek only kids out belong to MAGA faggots. No way will I give any one of them a handout. Come back next year cunts

Sorry, buddy. It was great that you were offering them.
You really have to have both your porch light AND something else (like a jack-o-lantern) to signify you're giving out treats. There are so many houses with automatic timers on porchlights now that people get burnt out ringing on doors with porch lights but not having anybody answer.

Well, I don't know what your neighborhood is like, but all I get anymore are beaners pouring in by the truckload from the city. So it isn't like the old days in Kansas anymore, faggot.
I have a couple of kids in the neighborhood I give a couple of bags of candy to in the afternoon, but I'm blacked out when the hordes arrive.

Dracula, you and your little disease vectors can bite my crank.

You're not even married, faggot.

Nobody came to my house. I took a drive (left some candy-bags on the doorstep), and I only saw three fucking houses (out of 100's) that even had the slightest halloween decoration.

I'm feeling kinda bummed out lads. When will this faggot virus shit end?

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Who cares?

same here, I'm kind of bummed about it

Fuck today's kids, unironically.

If Biden wins it'll be memoryholed instantly lmao

Agree, if not, January 2025 at the earliest.

kinda sad desu even though we dont trick or treat here

Halloween is not about grown up's retarded drunken parties. Or your idiotic "Zombie Houses" or any of that other shit for you childless, impotent faggots.
Halloween is about trick-or-treating for the wee ones. Everything else is merely complementary to that end.
It's like saying, "You don't need to go to Christmas Eve church and have presents for Santa on Christmas morning! All you need to do is go sledding and go to a Christmas lights festival!"
No, bitch. The holiday tradition ITSELF is the point.

Oh Christ I forgot to carve the pumpkins.

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You should be thanking them for helping fight the obesity/diabetes issue and not taking part in kike consumer holiday gimmicks.

>Waaaah my kids can't trick or treat

>Go back 400 years
>Child mortality rate was 12%
>2% of all newborns died within the first day
>1.5% of women died from childbirth

Fuck you.

What? Keep your fucking germ machines indoors nigger.

>"Make Halloween special for the neighborhood kids?!?!? That would be bad for my health!!!"

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Not our job to feed your crotch fruit candy. Don’t worry about it and focus on being a good parent- take them camping and on play dates. Read to them, talk to them, explore with them. Don’t be an irresponsible fuckstick and blame others for your inability to entertain your kids. There is only one boomer name you need to know that’s responsible for all this. I don’t even have to mention his name.

I cleaned my drive way, car port, put up lights on the mail box, pumpkins and odds and ends, set hand sanitizer by the candy bucket to be safe to the kiddos. Was out finishing up and sweeping 30min til sunset. Not a single ring or knock, no kids in the streets, almost every neighbor has porchlights on and its 8:30 already

Fucking covid
t. Millennial

Thank God the old lady took the three kids to goto a friend's subdivision with everyone's kids so they at least get a Halloween

TFR of user:

Attached: coronavirus.halloween.jpg (748x931, 94.61K)

good goy, hope you'll have your christmas decorations up by next week and you buy all your presents early! don't forget to buy a gift for extended family too!

My wife and I took our young kids trick or treating tonight and it warns too bad. We live in a pretty spread out area so it’s nothing like the tighter suburbs we grew up in but it was still fun. The neighbors were all giving out candy to the kids and a few even shared some drinks to warm us up on this 28 degree night. My boomer neighbors across the street were thrilled that we showed up and said they haven’t had a trick or treater in 13 years.

>traditions don’t matter
You’re the problem.

go back to /r/ChildFree
then realize that everybody knows you're impotent and not "child free" by choice
then kys

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Lol I don't want kids. I wouldn't be a good parent. But unlike OP I recognized that.

Traditions based around consumerism don't matter at all, you brain dead kike slave.

protip: nobody believes you impotent faggots when you claim you're "single by choice" anymore than we believe your Wine Aunt sister when she brags how great her Saturday nights with her cats and Netflix are
We know that your cock doesn't work and we know your sisters womb is barren
People nod politely at your claims only to avoid social awkwardness

Attached: Bugman_Childless.jpg (651x529, 101.01K)

4/10. An attempt was made.