Check previous threads on this Thots on twitter are posting how "hot" they whilst supporting abortion under #HotGirlsForAbortion #PrettyGirlsForProChoice
The plan? Make fan accounts over and over trolling them. Post empty egg cartons, shame them, even create images of their future kids. Get a good picture of the thot's face, use Faceapp to merge the same image twice and click the daughter filter. Then send it to them.
How to make accounts over and over, even if you get banned: >use for email >if you get banned and twitter starts asking for a phone number unistall and reinstall a few times.
How can women claim to be feminist yet simultaneously hate the key defining factor that makes them women? What kind of sick, twisted Jewified society do we live in where over half the country thinks it's okay to kill your own offspring? What the fuck man.
>women when faced with the prospect of not being able to kill their babies NOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK YOU CANT DO THAT >women when faced with the prospect of being a whore NOOOOOOO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I NEED TO HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX WITH STRANGERS
John Roberts
Back in ancient times carrying offspring meant an okay chance at death. That's why the have the urge to abort. They will abort a betacucks baby, but never Chad's baby.
someone needs to post a video showing how abortions are actually performed it grosses whores the fuck out because they get to learn that a baby is literally torn to shreds and pulled out limb by limb
Unpopular opinion, but I think this is why you should be pro-choice. If the aggregate of your maternal instinct is killing your own children, aren't you a shit-tier woman and shouldn't we be helping you get out of the gene pool? Like I will drive you there, we can get ice cream after.
>If the aggregate of your maternal instinct is killing your own children, aren't you a shit-tier woman and shouldn't we be helping you get out of the gene pool? They're aborting, not steralizing otherwise I would agree. But they're just being disgusting roasties then cranking out a broken child with Tyrone and having it raised by some flabby weak simp on real men's taxes.
Kayden Watson
What's her reply
Cooper Bailey
If they let a 'betacuck' impregnate them then that's still on them. It doesn't matter what women want. Women don't know what they want. If they didn't want a baby then they shouldn't have sex, it's that simple. The problem shouldn't escalate to them having to kill the child.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Account got banned. Ill do it again tho. My goal is for them to delete the posts
>thot Are you a nigger? No? So don’t talk like one
Aiden Bailey
This. The issue is simps will wife support and impregnate half these ugly worthless holes no questions asked at some point. If anything we need more abortion and enforced sterilization of anyone with a twitter or only fans account, or has donated to said accounts.
Idea: gifs of aborted foetii, body parts, etc but the first few frames are something more benign. Force them to look at what they support doing to unborn children and see if they still think “IT’S JUST A CLUSTER OF CELLS BROOOOOOO”.
Also a fair point, I'm just saying a 6lb. goose will kamikaze your ass if you get to close to their eggs, a cat will run into a burning building to save kittens...just think we should not have the shittiest females in the animal kingdom and if they want to kill their offspring good riddance.
David Ramirez
>Killing children is caring for them This is your brain on international bankers
Carson Bailey
I agree. Obviously abortion isn't "good" and it shouldn't be "encouraged," but these whores would just be raising more degenerates. Also holy fuck imagine how many niggers there would be without abortion.
Jacob Bailey
Kevin Cox
That disgusting mutt passes as hot these days.
Owen Ramirez
Imagine thinking this site has the ability to raid anything like it used to
Let the whores abort,less niggers, half niggers and worthless future criminals and fucking rapists polluting the planet.
Sebastian Thomas
Damn. That was the most concise red pill on roasties i think i have ever seen. I mean, i knew that already, but it would have taken me twice as many words to explain. Kudos.
Austin Cook
but it's worth it because mommy has an important job and loves going out to clubs on friday nights
she'll probably just walk out of that clinic and go eat a fucking hamburger to recover her iron levels, oblivious to the suffering she has caused
pretty fucking terrible if you ask me
Juan Harris
lol they're not even pro-choice any more Abortions for all! yaaayy
Jason Barnes
no, user, we only kill the niggers when they're old enough to get shot by the police
we STERILIZE instead, that way we preserve the labor pool
Juan Lewis
Okay but how many of you will actually pay child support for the thot you knock up? I know you're all perma-virgins but just pretend to be chad for a sec. I sure don't want to.
Wyatt Jones
Ive done my work bros. It bed time. Keep the dream alive while i rest
Ethan Wilson
I hope they meet the children they aborted on their way to whatever hell they are fated to go
Carson Powell
When Twitter went full shill and lost the election and stock now plummeting..... I guess what im saying is fuck your hash tags and threats, no one cares and it doesn't even matter.
Do the 9 months and I'll do the 18 years, not everyone is a deadbeat nigger like you
Luke Lewis
where are the hot girls all i see are mediocre muttsluts
Kevin Perez
>implying it's mandatory to fuck roasties >you just can't help it
also, we don't need child support
Nolan Diaz
thats what I keep telling these faggots, instead they want more criminals around and want to pay more for welfare, fucking retards
John Peterson
>border children separated Why are there children at the border with people who aren't their parents in the first place? Pretty shit parenting to then forgive under the guise of border security.
Juan Richardson
Kayden Edwards
Damn... rip lil fetus bro. I don't understand how roasties can see this and still be okay with abortion. Lil' dude was sucking his thumb and everything, wtf.
Luke Cook
They're not sentient beings you fucking pearl clutching retards. They don't experience perception.
Colton Nguyen
>what are morning after pills only time I fucked up pulling out I got dressed and went to pharmacy to get her one asap lol
David Lewis
Trump missed an opportunity at the debate, desu. When they kept hounding him about it, he should have said, "If they were with their real parents, why have they not shown up yet to claim them?"
Jace Parker
How about we teach the next generation responsibility and shaming whores and manwhores. Won't that prevent criminals too?