Alex Jones has been right this whole time.
Alex Jones has been right this whole time
the fact his wife is jewish is bad news. I still cant bring myself to hate Alex
I'm sad he's doing election night with that jabroni Joe Rogan.
He's still wrong about jewish circumcision.
he's clearly compromised though, he knows how much he can say and how far he can go without being off'd.
Are you ready to go deeper user? HIV was the first global PCR-test plandemic. Correlation between chicken egg albumin exposure (vaccination) and AIDS is higher than between HIV retrovirus and AIDS. When you add the vaccine-moderated effects of semen allergies, you can see why gays were so heavily taxed by the burden of this """disease""". Semen consumption in unvaccinated individuals is associated with lower expression of the CCR5 receptor, which acts as a binding site for HIV to enter its host cells, so it can only be a combination of vaccine and homosexual activity. This means that we can feel a little safer to sleep at night, knowing our own governments tried to vaccinate us against homosexuality. And they call that vaccine "Polio". Interesting how back in the days of gone, Polio only left problems for less than 2% of infecteds. Almost precisely like COVID of the modern day.
Does that confirm that JOE ROGAN is a MASSIVE FAGGOT?
Correct, and they're in labs creating things far worse as we speak.
Wait so you're saying semen gives you AIDS?
ex at least and same
a caller last week mentioned the black cube people and alex immediately changed the topic and started calling them muslims and meccha...
when the caller was referring to the jews..
its obvious he avoids jq.
also he talks shit about nazis/hitler all the time.
probably because thats what normies recognise as evil incarnate..
but it is all so off and clearly israel sided.
with alex, everythings a different story, except for the official story of wwii.
he's already ""banned"" why bother hiding it.
he knows, owen knows, the infowars staff knows, that new jew kid thats on the show
harrassing "smith"
tom pappart..
they all know the hitler story
they dodge it like a bullet.
they joke about it under the cuff.
but on air, they'll dodge it.
oven dodgers.
so you're telling me eazy-e was gay?
Yes. there are many causes of AIDS it's simply a cover term of a lack of T-immune cells
About like 5% of shit- the rest is pretty fucking dumb
or he shared needles with someone who had spoof on their hands.
either way.
there's also the chance it's just regular old bone cancer. we can't blame HIV for everything. or can we?
gay here with big doubt considering you get the flu after contracting HIV, and it being a retrovirus, it essentially rewrites your DNA shutting down your body in slow or fast motion
The bible has been right this whole time.
plus cats get HIV lol and they don't slurp semen
Bill Hicks
Rogan was setting up spotify by proving Jones was always right
LIke any good analyst, he extrapolates from the facts he has. Statistics would say he's 50% right.
>Alex Jones has been a CIA disinfo shill this whole time.
I want the old Alex back.
nature always corrects itself
He knows what he can and cannot do or say.
Listening to him talk is like biting down on ice cream with a chipped tooth, literally all he does is aggregate controversial news for profit. Zig Forums is 10x better at this and it takes less then 10 minutes to scroll the Zig Forums feed to get the weekly news, it takes 4 fucking hours listening to a grown man LARP as a conspiracy theorist to get the exact same thing.
Needless to say, after Zig Forums I dropped Alex Jones almost immediately, you guys are way better at quickly spamming relevant info in front of me then he ever was. I make financial decisions regularly based on quickly emerging and controversial news, Zig Forums is 100% the best place to get this kind of info so long as your bullshit filter is operating properly.
how are you on this board and still listening to Alex Jones?
i don't know what that is but i really want that creature. i think it's half jackal and half deer
Easy. I am not a brainwashed faggot like you.
Herd mentality is for retards.
I want old Joe Rogan back, he used to debunk NASA footage and shit. Old Joe was beyond based but he got a ton of money then magically stopped picking on NASA.
NASA is the softest target for free mason-jew money laundering if anyone wants to poke the bear again, it sure made Joe Rogan rich.
no, america is the villain
and macron knows it
Hey so how come on Joe Rogan the other day alex mentioned at&t but didn't mention that at&t built a police spying network for profit and were the architects of the modern police state. Wouldn't you think Alex would know that? Especially when it began in his home state?
I figured it out. Alex says true stuff and fake stuff and ignores other stuff. Someone feeds him info that can get out and people will say "that can't be true Alex Jones said it"
Then people that are inclined to investigate things are busy investigating whatever red herring alex sent them after.
Alex jones is fucking Bill Hicks who got plastic surgery and is planted as a Intelligence agency prop. Wake the fuck up.
I figured out pretty quickly that all Alex Jones does is repackage Zig Forums and twist it to blame anyone but the Jews.
Seriously just scroll the Zig Forums feed for a few minutes and save yourself 4 hours of his grating voice rapeing your ears.
Alex Jones impregnates jews, spawns more subhuman jews, deepthroats jew cocks and beats his faggot manlet meat to tranny porn.
One of the worst disinfo niggerfaggot scumfucks to ever live.
What do you think his armpits smell like?
Welcome to 2006.
always has been
you left your meme flag on buddy
Kek, I hear this from everyone on Zig Forums and even Alex himself back when I used to listen to him would try and debunk the internet frogs spreading this "false info".
Red pill me on Bill Hicks, I have no clue what this is about.
.t Ex Alex Jones listener
damn. i've known about him
for a long time and have never heard that. thanks for pointing user
dried joe rogaine spit
Eat shit, you nigger jew subhuman.
>Alex Jones has been right this whole time.
That's why he's banned. You don't see them banning flat earth retards because they are easily disproven and people largely ignore them.
Alex Jones impregnates jews, spawns more subhuman jews, deepthroats jew cocks and beats his faggot manlet meat to tranny porn.
One of the worst disinfo niggerfaggot scumfucks to ever live.
-there you go, cuntfaggot.
Easy was Gay He sucked the Jew Dick Dr.Dre said so. NO Vaseline
It was pretty Epic after the 2016 election when NPR had to discuss Alex Jones's role. They were seething. Acid was dripping from their Jewish fangs.
This is what I hate, retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have somng constructive and/or informative to say but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.
>MemeNet V2.51 subvariant A3...
I won't even digna reply
Imagine playing Mario, the video game. There's no goombas, there's no bowser and the princess is always formerly chuck's. That's playing life on easy mode. Thats white privilege. That's white supremacy.
I'll putit another way. Imagine being at hogwarts and you play quidditch. The other players all have Nimbus 1999's and you have a old broken broom. That's what is feels like to be a PoC in Trump's America.
>you are the resistance
I bet you sneed 'Sneed' too, i bet you say SNEEEEDSNEEEEEEED like a fu
cking sneetard fibᗡƎƎИƧSNEED
tldr never seen someone so btfo in all my life god damn brother get you some dry ice for that blown out anus
Sneedy jean is not my lover
Alex Jones has been a tranny fapper this whole time.
David Duke was the one who was right the whole time, you retarded faggot.
Bill hicks was a cool comedian who was really loud and talented at impersonating people. He had some really scathing performances that criticized america.
We don't know what happened to the real Alex jones or why he was planted but you can't ignore that a switch took place.
Grow a foreskin, you stupid subhuman jew.
Alex Jones’ offspring are literally (shit tier) jews.
excellent work padawan
Congratulations. You understand the concept of controlled opposition.