Trump wins 300-329 electoral votes, 6/1
Gonna put £100 for a £700 pay out
Good idea or bad idea?
Trump wins 300-329 electoral votes, 6/1
Gonna put £100 for a £700 pay out
Good idea or bad idea?
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He's winning more than that user
gambling is never a good idea, it's just fun. so do it if you can spare 100 retard units, whatever that symbol is. I've blown that on one machine in vegas plenty of times
330-359 is 7/1. £800 back on 100.
Honest to god.
Listen to me user.
The chances of Trump winning alone is very small. However 300 electoral votes is a bit risky.
Here's some Amerimutts that you shouldn't listen to.
>Trump is winning california and NY!
None of those things are happening.
As much as people love to shit on 538. Their projections were the most accurate, and they were one of the few projections to get 2012 and 2018 right.
>>Trump is winning california and NY!
Of course not. However, Trump winning FL, PA, WI, MN, MI are all reasonable.
>As much as people love to shit on 538. Their projections were the most accurate
They were very wrong in all the states that mattered.
I think it's called lira. Not sure though
>it wasn't that long ago that I was in a little Lamborghini, sleeping on bookshelves, with only 47 billion dollars in my bank account
I'm trying to help you out.
You're using one projection to negate literally every single situation.
You can waste your money by listening to Zig Forumstards telling you that Trump is winning Minnesota or you can take a reasonable approach and look at poll methodology to determine accuracy.
the markets will crash and your money wont be even worth anything if Biden wins anyway
go big or go home pussy
>tfw leaf
>cant bet
Anyone interested in joining the Allahu-Akbar movement?
I'm not basing on any projection, I'm just doing this for fun. However I have looked into polls quite a bit and see that Biden is doing a lot worse in the polls than Clinton was in all the important states, that Trump is doing better than he was in in 2016 polls, and how the early voting is looking. I'm actually worried he will get more than 329.
It wasn't that long ago when I was sleeping on a warren buffet, with only 47 Hollywood hills in my Lamborghini account.
The parody videos have a point, he started at nothing, but he had 5 deca billionaires take him under their wing.
I put 100 leafbucks on Trump winning FL, NC, OH, GA and TX for a 400 pay out.
What sites offer canadian bets? I've looked around but all are american only
>Good idea or bad idea?
No incumbment president (that i'm aware) ever gets more electoral votes than he did on his first election during reelection
Trump got 306 last time, so if you insist on betting only over 300 electors you should tie the range for 305-300 electors, which is pretty difficult to pull off but might have a higher payout
If I had money I'd put it all in exactly 290: Red PA, WI, NE-2 and ME-2.
what i certainly wouldn't do is bet over 300, but that's your call, not mine
Bush 2004
Have these options. The one I highlighted might be good but meh, not crazy payout.
Mmm possibly. 270-299 is 6/1 too.
oh yeah, very well called
still, Bush won pretty tightly in '00. He'd either have to open the gap or lose entirely, since there was no room for losing delegates without letting Kerry win
Quantum Electoral Victory, I suppose
Is there even a down side to this? 200 down, I win 700 almost guaranteed. 500 profit in either scenario.
>However I have looked into polls quite a bit and see that Biden is doing a lot worse in the polls than Clinton was in all the important states, that Trump is doing better than he was in in 2016 polls, and how the early voting is looking
You're lying to yourself or you're misinformed. Biden is nationally outperforming Hiliary by +6.
Biden is winning swing state against Hiliary by +2
I think Trump has 270 in the bag and could get 300 without PA
er, sorry 296. so he needs NV or NH without PA
Based gambler. Only boys spend what they can't afford
You’re asking how to gamble
You already lost
What site is this?
Very good, my only concern would be that he goes over. Put $100 on that, and then 100 on 330-359 and you can't lose
great idea. i have plenty of green riding on a Trump landslide. took side props on individual states too
Where are you able to bet beside predictit?
Will tell you this anons, Trump either wins handily which I think is possible or we are in a contested mess brought forward by the left’s bullshit cheating strategy. The left are now a cornered animal. They have been shooting up shit for the last 4 years. They know if Trump wins there is literally nothing they can do to blunt his momentum. They (oligarchs, bankers, media, tech titans, etc) know if this guy stays in they are all fucked.
He's winning
You deluded idiots actually think Trump is going to win? Have fun losing all your money.
Well, he won last time, so it's not unreasonable.
My view from Wisconsin is Trump will win this state. His following is almost cult like. I can't see him losing this election unless its fucking rigged/ballot box stuffing.
Take it to the bank
trump is going to win the popular vote by at least 3 million, if not more.
Never bet against Trump.
oh, and the mass democratic base will contest the election but biden will do jack shit except for complain just like in 2016.