Digits confirms it

Digits confirms it

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Well then. That's a first post confirdiddlymation

Will 'o wish

Attached: Get 999999.png (1862x890, 181.68K)

Trump will win NY

There we go, it's settled. Trump is going to win bigger than Regan. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

By God and Lord Jesus, please let Trump Win


Based leaf

Trump will win in the name of Jesus


So are you visiting hell on earth or you just love my city?


Biden will poop as Trump wins in a landslide

Damn, Trump wins handily.


>no digits
Biden is probably still fucked lmao, Trump's commercials at this point are just clips of Biden talking

Poopy butt fart

foŕ all cats

you wish chud

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Red wave rollin'

When the day of the rake comes, you will be the last to be raked.


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Digits for landslide

nice try fag

Biden 2020

Upstate is pretty based except for college campuses.


Blessed thread

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nuclear holocaust

think again Jeb has all the Digits

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roll for biden landslide

Attached: Capture.png (853x627, 65.38K)

Seeing these lefty worry tweets is gettin me giddy...

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Kek has condemned you with no digits because of your faggotry