So if Trump loses on Monday

So if Trump loses on Monday.
What does Zig Forums become?

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Trump will win. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking retarded whether you support him or not.

If Trump loses just delete this board. Just nuke it outright. Deny the shills their victory and maybe allow Zig Forums to persist for a bit before they come for us.
However Trump will win. When they say shit like "we don't know about x state we can't declare a winner" you'll know he's won.

>Monday the 3rd
>US Flag
lie detected


OP here.

I do support him. But what if he doesn't?
I see so many larpers shills etc saying "landslide" etc

But what if just legit loses. Shit's going to be weird
If he wins Jews will push massive riots for a good 2 years . Although it's cold now o less of them will be out.

this. OP is fucking israeli

My bad. this EST and time change got me I guess. FL fag here, I should know better,

Trump is going to win.

the election is on tuesday, not monday stupid nigger

I predict if Trump loses and no major evidence of election fraud is found the conservatives won't do anything. It's not their style. We will have 4 years of hell though because the dems will need to make up for lost time.

>So if Trump loses on MONDAY.
You aren't very bright are you.

pol won't care if he loses on monday
Tuesday, the day of the election, we will be celebrating President Trump's landslide

Anyone who doesn’t know trumps gonna win in a Reagan style landslide is a discord tranny shill who needs to go back

Zig Forums is endless, and always right. OP will always be a nigger. When Zig Forums loses, you lose. When Zig Forums wins, you lose. Niggers always lose.

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Pol starts caring about the national budget and unemployment levels again if Trump loses.

Nothing will change. OP will always be a faggot.

I think most will pretend to be libertarians again until 2024 rolls around and the next demagogue arises

trump will win.

>trump loses monday
>monkey palm finger curls
>trump wins tuesday

This. They'll cry on Zig Forums but in real life we'll just blend in since I dont think these libshits are kidding when they want to come for everything you got if they win.

OP the fag here. I feel this as well.

But I give Trump a 55% win here

>implying the result matters when both lead to based acceleration towards the eventual fragmenting and balkanizing of the country

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>lose on monday
Kys faggot

He is the incumbent with a high approval rating and massive rallies. I don't see how Biden will get even close to 240. Biden is practically invisible, has no enthusiastic support and most democrats hate him. I don't see how he can win only on the basis of "at least i am not trump".

I completely agree and as such I have bet a good amount of cash on him. However we do live in clownworld. HONK HONK!

>time change
>affecting the date

There is not a single fucking person with any political awareness in the untied states that does not know the 3rd is a Tuesday, they’ve been talking about it for fucking months and it is always the first Tuesday after November 1st every election. Gtfo cunt


Checked and this. I was a Democrat up until this election. The worst the conservatives ever did was the Tea Party, and it was literally just a group of people who thought alike. No violence. No rioting. If Biden somehow pulls it off, nothing will happen. We'll grit our teeth and get ready for 2024, like adults. If Trump wins, literally thousands of butthurt retards will burn their own cities. That's why I switched. The Democrats have lost their fucking minds.

if he loses it dont matter israel still lives on either way

Hail Satan

What we were before June 2015.

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How is he going to lose on Monday? The official election day is on Tuesday and the counting will go on for at least another week after that.

Fuck, you shills really don't know how our election works, do you?

pure antagonism, pure destruction, Zig Forums will always do more damage on the opposition than in power

Everything they said we were

Nice VPN

Moving to the mountains to farm water loving garloids.

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Way more dangerous

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The best option would be to reconsider the communication infrastructure as the centrists and rightwingers got absolutely destroyed by big tech and MSM.

Zig Forums is overrun by bots and shills.
A bunch of forums and communities got closed down.
Public speakers got demonetized or banned.

If Trump loses, then the centrists, right-wing and the rational left need to start moving a bunch of communications to save waters and do some real world effort to promote these channels.

It isn't possible to operate from channels that are controlled by ideological enemies. It's subversive and can sway some minds, but in total it's just insane to depend on a vector that can be destroyed by the press of a button.

There will be a need for more parallel economy and a parallel society, because the totalitarian oppression from leftist ideologies will simply grow and grow.

The erection is Tuesday, not Monday.

Elections are literally ALWAYS on Tuesday.

First day at JIDF, huh?

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Fucking kek.

>Voted Dem

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