Post yfw Trump is declared winner
Post yfw Trump is declared winner
Nolan Watson
Ethan Stewart
Robert Cruz
Mason Rivera
Brody Richardson
Parker Gutierrez
Charles Gutierrez
Austin Rivera
Anthony Ortiz
Chase Bell
Lincoln Reed
Daniel Rodriguez
Luke King
Ethan Gray
David Hall
Jordan Bailey
Chase Ross
Wyatt Hughes
Anthony Jenkins
Cameron Russell
Robert Gray
>bugman shilling
>emu flag
Checks out.
Caleb Davis
Levi Gutierrez
Noah Miller
God she's hideous. Is this a 10/10 in China?
Landon Collins
Aaron Martin
Chase Moore
Parker Ross
Isaiah Campbell
Joseph Martinez
Honestly I'm wondering just how fucking bad this board is going to get if Trump does lose on the third. It's already nigh unusable with unstable retards spouting Christian fundie shit or crackpot conspiracy theories. Hopefully you guys can contain your meltdown to just Zig Forums but I kinda doubt it. I really hope mods are on high alert for this shit and delete/ban off topic threads on other boards...
John Nelson
what are you smoking?
Colton Lopez
Lincoln Martinez
David Stewart