>Boomer parents power goes out >user can we stay at your house until it's back >s-sure I guess what could go wrong? >go to sleep, wake up next day to pour a glass of MY orange juice >hmm tastes different >they actually watered down my orange juice without asking
I was renting my own apartment for 5 years when my neighbor got mad at me for "letting my bin lady on his property". It turns out my mother was sorting my garbage for me after I'd already put it curbside.
Damn, my boomer parents are awesome. They were both born in '55 and my old man acts like a chill 23 year old dude bro. My mom is a typical friendly suburban housewife.
Logan Jones
I'm a boomer. I have assets.
Benjamin Jenkins
why would they water down the whole thing instead of just their glass. kek your parents suck
Jordan Collins
Some boomers are okay I guess.
Nicholas Johnson
Early Boomers are based. Late boomers are fucking cringelords who walk around mimicking Tim Allen, Mike Rowe, and other Boomer deities.
Anyways, Boomers really don’t care about their progeny any longer because boomers really are no longer even stakeholders in their own country. Half of boomers are dead, I believe. One quarter is retired, and the other quarter can never retire, so neither really care about anything beyond themselves.
Bentley Kelly
They are also the only thing stopping the rest of us from ovening you kikes
Xavier Carter
They are arrogant beyond belief. Ignorant TV worshipping idiots that think they're a generation of battlers instead of the only generation in modern history to have it better than their kids and their parents. If I ever get COVID they better watch the fuck out. Absolutely abhorrent. Ignorant, stubborn and mindbendingly arrogant people.
My dad is a boomer and would always scream at me for leaving the lights on, buy $60 tablets from China that don't work, and would flip out if he knew I had a Dyson vacuum. He thinks a vacuum shouldn't cost more than $100. He made $100k-120k a year for the last 20 years of his career.
I believe in buying it once and buying it right. Buy one nice Samsung tablet for $350 instead of multiple $60 cheap ass tablets from QVC.
Camden Nguyen
How do you work the forchans?
Jaxon Hill
There is an old russian saying that goes “the cheapskate pays twice”
Adam Morales
Zachary Gutierrez
It's a great analogy that really sums up the boomer mentality - completely selfish interference in other people's lives without the faintest hint of why it's wrong.
Evan Allen
Their biggest mistake of all apparently was giving birth to you. And you are probably an incel neuter and the genetic end of the line.
Fuck off welfare leech. The silent generation was cool, but apparently they didn't bully you faggots hard enough. The fact that you let Nixon pull you off the gold peg in 1971 and didn't fucking hang him (because its not like you were in Vietnam, lets be real here) tells me everything I need to know.
You allowed a usury infested system monetary system predicated on the idea of an infinite growth (which is the ideology of cancer) because it meant you could binge spend in the present and sell the comeuppance to your grand kids. The only problem is you lived too long. Once the debt jubilee comes and the monetary base is repegged, do you think we're feeding you anything but cat food?
I got yelled at by my parents about the lights too and GAS. We lived in a rural area and whenever I wanted to go somewhere it was all about how much gas it would cost to get there.
Even though I support myself completely my SAHM mom gives me shit about the things I buy too. I also have a Dyson and won't tell her.
Jayden Powell
Eat your kibble, old faggot.
Brandon Baker
Jesus christ I thought my boomers were the only ones to do that, but my grandparents did it too. They'd water down milk as well. My mom would also "downsize" things by putting them into the same container. You wake up to get breakfast and there's fucking cocopuffs in your lucky charms! The bitch would fucking mix together two different flavors of ice cream.
Connor Sanchez
nixon was just president when it happened, congress passed the law for it years before it actually happened...
Jacob Morris
Ah watered down milk, that takes me back.
Michael Allen
what is her arm routine? They're like 23in guns.
Angel Stewart
My mates boomer parents spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars multiple times a year upgrading and maintaining their late 90s computer and printer, legit be insanely cheaper just to buy a new one but they insist on getting the indian “IT expert” around to charge them heaps of money to inspect it and order parts for it He got fed up and eventually bought them a laptop the other year but they complained it was too complex and went back to handing over hundreds of bucks to the Indians to fix their piece of shit They are a dense bunch of cunts
Juan Martin
Christian Powell
What pisses me off in Aus is boomers having massive 2 story houses all for themselves, a massive caravan that needs a Ford F-250 or dodge with a truck like connection to tow it a boat and multiple cruise ship holidays a year And multiple “investment” apartments and properties Boomers are insanely bad for the environment and the biggest consoooooooooooomers The dumb old fucks always have a fuckload of the weird exercise machines, DVD box sets and useless kitchen appliance that they buy from infomercials
They literally arent nigger. They are split with a slight preference to Biden. They are fucking worthless shitstains and I cant wait until they are all dead from obesity and diebetes.
Zachary Ramirez
>t.seething giblet
Eli Sullivan
Early boomers were either summer of love hippies that became yuppies and eventually biden voters or kids that were dodging bullets in the jungle only to get spat on by their hedonistic peers.
Josiah Lee
I know boomers that complain about the state of the economy then in the next sentence talk about all their rental property and lease’s
Gabriel Price
The burger version is "Buy once, cry once."
Brayden Torres
You're a nigger and you should kys so your children can inherit and spend your nigger assets
John Phillips
Thomas Baker
I think about 95% of boomers do not have a soul. Its weird that plenty of 80+ people are red pilled, along with many GenX, Millennials and Zoomers even, but practically no boomers are. They all fucking love Israel. Somehow they made it to age fucking 60+ entirely blue pilled. How is that possible?
Grayson Reyes
>My mates boomer parents spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars multiple times a year upgrading and maintaining their late 90s computer and printer, legit be insanely cheaper just to buy a new one but they insist on getting the indian “IT expert” around to charge them heaps of money to inspect it and order parts for it >He got fed up and eventually bought them a laptop the other year but they complained it was too complex and went back to handing over hundreds of bucks to the Indians to fix their piece of shit >They are a dense bunch of cunts
My boomer mom did the same thing, gave her a Lenovo T420 i5 and went right back to using the piece of shit Dell P4 desktop with Win XP.
Brandon Harris
interesting thought, user has to be the way they grew up on top, so they never had to worry about a thing
Joseph Ross
>I think about 95% of boomers do not have a soul. Its weird that plenty of 80+ people are red pilled, along with many GenX, Millennials and Zoomers even, but practically no boomers are. They all fucking love Israel. Somehow they made it to age fucking 60+ entirely blue pilled. How is that possible?
Yeah, the silent generation were way more redpilled than boomers.
Andrew Nguyen
bitch got some biceps holy fuck
Michael Harris
Don't get it twisted bro, not all boomers are created equal. My dad graduated high school in 66 and went straight to Vietnam lol. I respect the hell out of every boomer that had to go over there. But in general terms yeah, boomers are a historically soft and docile generation. Just don't forget that their parents are the ones that enacted a bunch of the bullshit policies that totally screeeeew everybody after the boomers.
Jackson Perez
Boomer hate = another jewish trick to divide & conquer the White families. Jew hate thread you must make, retard shill
>Don't get it twisted bro, not all boomers are created equal. My dad graduated high school in 66 and went straight to Vietnam lol. I respect the hell out of every boomer that had to go over there. But in general terms yeah, boomers are a historically soft and docile generation. Just don't forget that their parents are the ones that enacted a bunch of the bullshit policies that totally screeeeew everybody after the boomers.
Most the boomers in Nam were smoking opium ,weed and doing LSD, my dad said everyone was doing that shit and it was everywhere, unironically he would never of became a drug addict if he wasn't in Nam fucking whores and being a degenerate lol
Sebastian Parker
Boomers are such a fucking cancer. I've seen many white boomers go out of their way to help minorities, but never have they gone out of their way to help whites because they're white. Fuck white boomers. Fucking pieces of shit.
Brandon Brown
W-whats wring with LSD? I’m the faun of the forest when I trip, I start identifying every plant species I can find and dancing in the woods when I’m on it
Sounds like your dad is the anti-Boomer. They're known for being reckless with money and stupid as fuck.
Eli Campbell
My mother brought a shitty $1000 laptop from Harvey Norman and something broke out of warranty. Asus charged her over $1000 to 'fix' it and it died completely a few months later. Stupid cunt.
Noah Green
Silent generation was way more red pilled George Carlin wasn’t even doing a sketch here he was simply stating facts
The precious juice ! They have watered it ! Death to all boomers
Leo Powell
>W-whats wring with LSD? I’m the faun of the forest when I trip, I start identifying every plant species I can find and dancing in the woods when I’m on it
When you're fighting in a war I'm sure taking high powered acid like they had back then isn't the best way to ensure any victory.
Levi Gray
>Silent generation was way more red pilled >George Carlin wasn’t even doing a sketch here he was simply stating facts
Bentley Richardson
Hey this goes in the boomer love thread Based that you actually like your parents
Hudson Edwards
Actually, I approve this practice. Less sugar, and some juices taste more refreshing when diluted. Hell, I even dilute my wine to make spritzer
Guess I can’t argue with that lol. One day I may go to a revival meeting or something when I trip
Chase James
This so much. FUCK boomers they can all die and go to hell, most disgusting generation ever born.
Nolan Jones
Face it you are the afterbirth of America greatness lol
Nicholas White
Yeah I'm sure a lot of that was going on. At least that's what pedowood movies have led me to believe lol. I don't care if they did or not. Anecdotally in the case of my dad I've never seen him take a drink or drug in my life. He also will never, ever, ever talk about his time over there. All I know about it is from his friends.