Over 57,000 attend rally in PA

Look at it you lefty fucks! LOOK AT IT!!!!

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It's a lot, but not 57k. Probably 20k

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Secret Service estimated 57k

Any little concession to make your butt a little less hurt.

>Over 57,000 attend rally in PA


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lazy cope. Im just hoping you faggots livestream some of your suicides. we need fresh content.


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I love Trump, I'm just being realistic.


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Holy shit

Naw.....your being a fag

yay another supersreader event. Why are white trash Trump voters so stupid and ignorant of science and facts. I voted Biden and expect a blue wave on Tuesday.

Imagine being this retarded and attending a super spreader event and still losing the election lol

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>superspreader event
And 99.97% of them will all be fine. btfo

Only 43k sign ups for all 3 combined.

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Your brain has worms, you should get that checked.

Nope.. many are older people and will get sick and die. Trump is evil and thank god he will lose soon.

>many are older people and will get sick and feel pretty bad for a while

I am just glad I am not the kind of white trash idiot that supports a buffoon like Trump.

I see cuties like this every day. Euros are coping so hard when they say America isn't white

Even fox has given up.

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lol nigger are you hype for the red wave next week or what?

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Yeah, by the time this is over, there will be about 140 million votes cast. That crowd at COVIDChella is about 5000. Do the math moron.

For comparison, pre covid, Obama was putting 100,000 asses in seats

BTW, question... why does any of that make you feel so fucking great? What good does it do YOU? I mean, other than your fantasy of pwning the libs

bruh, you don't *need* to sign up to go to a Trump rally. I realize shareblue shills don't know because they have never been to a Trump rally but your "ticket" is basically just a souvenir/reminder to go.Clearly from what you can see with your own eyes most people did not.


>>many are older people and will get sick and feel pretty bad for a while
many are older people who will get sick and have a sllight cough for a couple of days.

Every single person at this rally was already voting Trump. What is the point of these events other than to feed Trumps ego?

You’re a fucking retard

Yeah, they had a Buttigieg interview and they let him rip Trump a new asshole.

Your mom's a super spreader

Just relax, it'll be okay. You survived 4 years you can survive 4 more.

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you white trash trump supporters are going to be really be sad and in pain on Nov 4. I can't wait!

>in PA

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Dude, I;m in Canada. I can't wait till you fuckers start this thing. I am busy trying to figure out a way to monetize your little upcoming civil war.

Super spreader is what I did to your moms cheeks last night faggot

Imagine thinking you're revolutionaries but instead you knelt to niggers and yelled at cops for over 100 days of "riots" and still losing the black vote and the election.

You kneel to niggers and still lost them, think about that for a bit.

What colour trash are you then?

lol You think that is 57 thousand people lol? Are you fucking retarded

It's going to be a landslide here, not going to vote so my victory is sweeter knowing I didn't even try

why are Trump girls so fucking hot while leftist girls look like an old rusted dumpster you'd find behind a motel on Martin Luther King Ave.

Clearly photoshopped

Cute, but you don't actually need a ticket to get in. At least I didn't.

Truly it is demon possessed

>Every single person at this rally was already voting Trump.
Not really. Trump team had pollers asking people at the rallies if they were repub or dem. a good amount were democrat going to vote Trump. You can find the info online, i'm to lazy to look right now.

This shall be the theme for every Trump Rally thread ever.

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>Every person at a Biden rally is already voting for him, what's the point of them other than to feed Biden's ego?
Brainlet Ausfaggot, rallies are to get people to the polls who may be umotivated for whatever reason, not to change their votes.

Where's the weaponized autism dude to fact check this using MSPaint.


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I have no idea how to turn this image into a numerical output. If you had told me 100k I would have not doubted you.


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I have the Penn margin at 1.5

5k tops Christ. It's a tarmac on a small airport

There’s like 300 people there tops.


The only superspreaders are niggers with herpes and faggots with aids