Cute video of Foreign students in China talking about their admiration for Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping!
How do foreign students feel about Xi Jinping?
>open the video
>they're speaking English
>not even a hint of muh qi pu tao pu tao pi
>not a shr in sight
we've won this battle, but not yet the war.
When I studied abroad I kept quiet about the piss poor state of my host country's democracy. I think its rude and counterproductive.
When I studied abroad I was actively fighting against horrific stereotypes of my nation. They believed I was from a hot desert country filled with convicts and whores.
Not only this, but why the fuck would you voice negative opinions about the dictator of the country you are currently residing in? Do you want to be kicked out?
Do you think they are lying? also China is not a dictatorship it has elections.
fuck off and die, you disgusting gook.
>also China is not a dictatorship it has elections.
fuck off and die, you disgusting gook.
The Chinese Communist Party is the legal representative of the working people of China. The people are allowed to elect the Communist politician of their choosing.
>why the fuck would you voice negative opinions about the dictator of the country you are currently residing in? Do you want to be kicked out?
Because you go to a foreign land ASSUMING that it isn't some filthy dutch hivemind of sodomy and greed.
don't worry kankerkrauts ik ga er nooit terug. too much child explotation goes on over in the benelux.
How come they didn't show the CCP threatening to throw them in prison if they didn't read their CCP written script?
All fields for mongolian rape baby threads.
What good are anyone's opinions if the CCP maintains a ban on free speech? If the CCP dislikes free speech so much, than my opinion of him is not important and there is no discussion to be had, other than that no one would want to live in China other than the people who are unfortunate enough to be born there.
The leaders of the CCP are oblivious to the fact that they'll never be a global power this way as no one would really consider moving or working in China.
Then again, multiculturalism is not a stable system to begin with, it's fraying and cracking as we speak. So perhaps the China model does make sense (other than the free speech part).
Free speech that doesn't harm the Communist Party which is the legal representative of the workers of china is completely allowed. Why would you want to attack the party that is defending your interests?
CCP is a party full of dog eating communist subhumans that need to be gassed.
What I'm trying to say is, China can get rid of the Communist label tomorrow and it would be exactly the same. You could even add elections and a false semblance of democracy and nothing would really change in that country, just like we have here in the US. At the same time it would make China even more legitimate as a global power in a time when the US is losing influence. Add to that, private property rights and other natural rights, and perhaps people might consider living and working there.
Because China lacks free speech, even suggesting such an idea in China would get you arrested or imprisoned, which is why China will always remain irrelevant in the global stage despite it's increasing wealth.
Americans can critique their own political system all they want, and sometimes it does result in change. I see this as an impossibility in China, and I see it as a weakness of the CCP.
Because as soon as party members pursue their own personal interests and not the interests of the "workers" of China, the leaders will never know or care about the so called "workers"
In other words, the CCP can violate the rights of their workers whenever they feel like it, and the workers do not have any right to say anything. I don't think your system will last long, especially as your enemies try to foment division within your population by abusing this fact.
I have read the Chinese constitution and it does have provisions for free speech that no one in the CCP takes seriously. The fact that the CCP doesn't even follow its own constitution tells me that they're above the law and that the system there has completely failed. It's just Feudalism that pretends to be Communist at this point
I love him, but then again, I am asocial, an absolutely hate democracy, because I believe NPCs to no deserving rights
There is no democracy for Capitalist (exploiter) parties in China. This is one of the many benefits of their system.
they have a word for this in chinese.... "monkey" or something. Basically reporters go around finding white people in china and try to get them to say nice shit about the CCP
So, Whites can't have a positive opinion about the Workers Vanguard CCP without being a "Monkey?"
Jews conned the USA into doing business with Communist China in 1973. If not for that, Communism would have collapsed there long ago.
You can thank that kike Kissinger for it all. Fucker is still alive too, living off adrenochrome and goyim baby blood infusions.
Same, I too dislike democracy. I am perfectly fine with the old American Republican system where only rich white landowners can vote. This all changed in the 1960s "civil rights" movement which forever ruined the country.
It seems like the CCP has a similar system where workers have no voting rights and the members of the CCP own a large share of wealth and capital in the country. I guess Marx would legitimately consider the CCP members "exploiters" as they have private stake/ownership of these large multinational Chinese corporations. In fact some of these Chinese companies have foreign investors. I as an American, today, can buy Alibaba stock. Wouldn't this make me a "capitalist exploiter"?
The white Baizuo are just Chinese fetishists. Most of these white people hate their own identity, so they travel around in foreign lands, immersing themselves in foreign cuisine so that they can pretend they are not white. I consider them mentally ill.
White monkeys
Yeah, basically
dont be a faggot moron and actually pay attention
Do not confuse my dislike of Democracy for some kind of acceptance of Communism. I see both Communism and Democracy both as inferior systems, Communism being the worse of the two, but Democracy trails behind it.
Most of our prosperity today comes from "rule of law" or the Republican system developed by our founding fathers. Our leaders make themselves feel good by pushing for "Democracy", but no one really takes them seriously. The founding fathers of America also hated Democracy, so it is a shame that America adopted this system in the 1960s to begin with.
It's called a 'white monkey' job, and they do pay them for it. Some of them aren't bad paying, considering the fact all you need to do is literally be white.
Goddamn, all these basedboy fucks.
Fuck you leatherman
But we are you stupid cunt.