Is he becoming dare I say...based and redpilled?
Redemption arc?
Nah. He sucks dicks almost as much as you do OP
We all know his "enthusiasm" lasts no more than a week. He's a puppet.
Cant wait to see France, Germany and UK lockdown lift the moment Trump clears riots in US
There are no mass arrests, no new legislation to push back/deport migrants, the mosks are still standing and the French are dying. For now, it’s mere rhetoric.
Nope, still gay, useless and jewish.
No balls
He back tracked in his latest interview.
Reactionary political posturing give me a break
I really doubt it, check Albert Pike letters.
>that was debunked
Check flag, an ex stepbrother was helped by the author of the book los secretos de la masonería, the forgery here is the "debunk".
its too late, France is an Islamic state npw
enjoy your 3rd world and flee from it again
Germany will fall soon too Hans
No he isnt.
He's trying to grt votes for the next election. Hes not anti islam at all. Hes a fool employed by the world bank
I don't trust this faggot
is the media vilifying him? no. he's a useless puppet whos mission is population replacement like all other western european leaders.
Yes. No matter what he does after this, he caused the shitskin savages to show their intentions and fragility.
Neoliberal damage control to look 'tough' and prevent civil unrest. Doesn't mean shit in the long run. We'd be better off if he did nothing and french mob justice took over.
He is not. He knows that Le Pen is polling at 45%. But if you listen to what he actually says, he's still convinced that the issue is not with muslims, but with some hypothetical perversion of Islam.
Merkel and these types always do this when the right is gaining votes.
But after the election they will go back into full replacement migration.
Only a military coup can save France, it's beyond politics now
muzzies won't do shit. I'm a jew by the way muzzies :)
Fuck le pen. She's a pussy who will suck muzzie dick. Macron will cleanse Europe of all shitskins.
French people are legit retard (I'm French)
Even Hollande was saying that after the Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks; "let's kick radical imams out of the country!"
They're still there. The reason is, the country is still run by jews, and it's literally impossible to expel anyone, because they will call you out as a nazi and campaign against you.
Nothing will change. Islam will keep gaining groud, jews will fly to Israel (while continuing their campaigns) and France is basically fucked.
It would need some sort of Hitler-like figure to win. And trust me, that's not remotely what Le Pen is.
Are muzzies chimping out?! Yes.
still a rothschild cock sucker
Rothschild and Attali are /ourjews/, bro. Right wing. Fuck the french hicks, it's money time.
What's Mohammad doing on top of that pig? Is this like Islamic yoga?