I see it used in everything now, shitty caricatures of humans with ambiguous races
Is this their vision for the future?
I see it used in everything now, shitty caricatures of humans with ambiguous races
Is this their vision for the future?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What is this “art” style called?
Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice, giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake.
I think they call it "flat design".
Idk why it's popular though
God Zig Forums is so fucking gay
'globohomo propaganda'
I call it "jewwy" here are some other examples, one of them is satire of this style.
>What is this “art” style called?
a mockery of humanity
I think it's called alegria or some bs like this
dats racist!!
wheres the pajeet, chink, and remote island out-in-the-fuck-of-nowhere reletives?
Idk it became popular around the time steven universe came out and i think it was some gay shit trend from canada before that
cal arts.
Cunts who are shitty using adobe illustrator or inkscape.
dammit every fucking time. Why does my chrome history label youtube.com
Corporative primitivism
Visual Aids!
i was wondering this too
looks like the type of artstyle that is paid for by the government to propagandize
just for the sake of it being a visual cartoon , not much effort has to be made
Modern, or post modern off the top of my head. Globalist propaganda
it's cheap, easy and you don't have to pay attention to detail so any intern can do it
Big Jeff
part 2
part 3
thats the point. its cal arts
What's with anons posting the theme to fairly odd parents?
Its called “lowered standards in order to be able to hire female and black ‘artists’”
part 4
Yes i also see it everywhere. Its like a globohomo id badge. I tend to avoid companies that use it as a matter of principle.
I read that before worth it.
>part 4
oops! all text
I assume it's a few people trying to force an unfunny joke