Japanese promote faggotry

This is a "male" character.

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cis gay chat (no anime/weebs please):


>anime is for faggots
In other news, water has been discovered to be wet

>He doesn't know about Sailor Uranus
>He doesn't know about the badman with the ice cube

Stay away from Japan.

>he didn't roll venti

anime website, fuck off to reddit


Sailor moon was on television when I was a child. There was nothing I could do, my neglectful parents were too late.

One look at Sailor Uranus and I knew my destiny was to sit on a throne while a gay man sucks my junk and pays for the privelige.

It's chinese, retard.

he cute

you're a westerner, stick to western cartoons faggot.

Westerners do this to real children and you are complaining about a drawing

That is chinese.

that's a chinese game fuckface

>Japanese promote faggotry
It's almost as good as Swede Twink.

OP is just mad because he doesn’t have venti despite all then gacha pls

Get fucked faggot



Boi I need this skin for him in the game.

>Japanes culture poisoning all of Asia
>Nooooo its chink shit noooo its anime board
Just find a healthier hobby? Better still, a Western one?

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>claim chink shit is japanese
>get mad when pointed out
Get fucked.

Meanwhile, japanese games.

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This is not news.

Water is not wet.

Hi im trap character from Fate/Grand Order, the most popular game in Japan :)))))))))))))
C o p e

Attached: yande.re 563929 sample armor astolfo_(fate) fate_grand_order s2riridoll stockings thighhighs trap.jpg (1027x1500, 279.7K)


the characters are pretty gay op, but you are a much bigger faggot

None of those claim to be a faggot though.
The west pushed all the politics, japan just makes cute characters and let's people write their own fanfictions.

>badman with the ice cube
i hate myself for knowing what your referencing.

not Zig Forums

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Your great grandmothers got their teen bodies defiled by both the German SS and the red army, it will only be a matter of time until your daughter's or granddaughters are defiled by superior German and Russian men, such is the fate of all Polish women.


Attached: prism ilya3 .webm (720x480, 2.63M)

Can you remove that meme flag of yours ?

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>nb4 asto...

and the rest of the world is perfect

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jews promote child porn.

What’s your point?

His point is questionable shit happens everywhere when viewing it from the eyes of a different perspective. Pretty simple user.

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Why do the japanese have an obsession with spit? Literally every god damned kissing scene in anime is a fucking saliva fest wtf.

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Every single poster hating on Japan is just trying to weaken our support for Japan so that jews can force immigrants and globalism on the last racially pure nation-state.

We MUST continue to support Japan's closed borders and racial purity. We must do this by telling our elected leaders, ZOG though they are, to leave Japan the fuck alone. We must tell the media to fuck off and leave Japan alone. We must believe in Abe's spirit and promote anime that promotes family and having racially pure japanese babies.