Is he getting desperate?

Is he getting desperate?

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Are You? Pumping out slidethreads like this does not help your narrative. SAGE in every fiiiiield.

he knows he has already lost. hes probably on amazon right now ordering new furniture for his mansion

shut up swecuck, if we wanted opinion from you it would be about twinks

Maybe screwing his own base for 4 years wasn’t such a good idea...?

shut up britbong, if we wanted opinion from you it would be about tea and crumpets

he will lose. Count on it. 230k+ dead americans because of his blundering ineptitude. Fuck him.

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How sad is your existence that you shit up US politics threads?
Honest question.
If I were as fucking pathetic as you I'd kill myself.

shut up amerifat, if we wanted opinion from you it would be about burgers

Have you prepared some tissues?

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>Is he getting desperate?
SO "desperate" that his rallies look like this

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This. First time I've ever voted dem for president, and I'm a 45 year old fiscal conservative.

Kek imagine how many of them are gonna die from covid. Great idea Donnie!

That's all the support he has. Brainwashed whackos who go to rallies. Trump is going to be demolished by one of the worst democrats since LBJ, no less.

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shut up eurocuck, if we wanted opinion from you it would be about islam

Not as desperate as Joe-pedos

OP is a dick sucking nigger tranny who eats niglets. He also is dying of an ebola infection he got from fucking monkeys in the ass in the Congo.

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dick sucking nigger tranny found.

Decimating your own voter base are a positive?

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If Trump gets "demolished" it sure is not due to Biden, it would be due to the massive propaganda program that's been going on ever since he won the last election.

LBJ was bad? Why?

They will perform live sex show? That is all that women in Trump orbit are competent to do.

No, it's because every person has flaws, and Trump refuses to acknowledge any of his, or defer to people who have the requisite skills that he lacks. First two years of the Trump presidency were better than expected, but the last 2 were abysmal. He fucked over his own voting base extremely hard, as well as moderates. Only brainwashed 70 and below IQlets remain.

>hurr fucking durr

I know you're one of the little queer cock suckers hoping for a societal collapse.
You should be praying otherwise, since a person like me is going to enjoy killing lots of little queer cock sucking pantifags like you

bless you

Nice spacing. Back to plebbit with all that projection!

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Bunch of fags in this thread, 2 scoops, 3 terms libtards

I agree

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>bunch of fags
LoL coming from "free speech has its limits" muhammad, that's rich
