Tattoos and Zig Forums

When I was younger and a little fucking npc, I self harmed because of abuse I was facing. The scars that left I have since covered with tattoos. Unrioncally, other than religious meaning, is this the only acceptable use of tattoos?

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Religious tattoos aren’t acceptable either

prison tats only

Why is a german soldier next to a slavic symbol?

By religious Im referring to pagan

I wanna get a tattoo that says "better" so whenever anyone shows me a tattoo, I can say "Oh yeah? Well, I have a better tattoo"

Kill yourself leaf

Degenerate satanic bloodletting ritual

Ink builds up in lymph nodes as the story goes degenerate and potentially eugenics

I don't hate tattoos, they are pretty useful actually, they help me screen the damaged and attention whore women from the good ones. It's just like abnormal hairstyles, colors and piercings other than the lobes. If she got them, then I know she is a promiscuous libtard or brainwashed socialist whore.

as long as they look cool
i don’t like tattoos but you can do what you want
but shitty tats are the worst. and no face tats ok user

Tatoos are great pleb filters. They are for slaves

fuck face tattoos. luckily they aren't shitty otherwise i'd probably just amputate them to get pity fucks from married women

I have done all the tattoo's myself (professional kit not dogshit 5£ bullshit) and they all hold deep meaning and symbolism.

kek that would be based as fuck

Same here OP. I really don't like tattoos but I hate my scars so much. Been seriously thinking of getting some cover-up tattoos for a while now.

My thoughts are those scars were created in a time of impulse and hatred, I can replace whats left over with art and meaning

Tattoos are an old, old practice.
Sailors get tattoos to document their voyages.
Soldiers get tattoos to signify their bond with their unit.
The SS had their blood group tattooed on their arm, for quick reference for emergency transfusions.
Tattoos should mean something, be carefully thought out, and in modern society?
Ideally discrete.

Here's an ancient Scythian mummy - arguably the most relict of the classical civilizations; their way of life was remarkably similar to the nomadic Aryan invaders who brought the horse into Europe.

Attached: Scythian Mummy with Ink.jpg (720x900, 73.5K)

>deep meaning and symbolism
Ha ha. This is the epitome of normie shallow.

they are physical representations of my life and memories and things that need to be help close and remembered all represented through art and symbols. Its not a sleeve of a bear or some other retard shit

Thats the key with tattoos, there are very few people now that actually consider meaning behind a tattoo. Its just bitches saying "thats pretty" and hating it 2 months later

he is not wrong even if he is a chink

Tattoos have been around for ages. They are tradition in some countries. Here in the US the normies try to boost their social status posting selfies with cliché flash art tattoed on them, not knowing that they are the 5,000th person to get that same tattoo. I'm covered with them (60hrs worth), but all mine are unique to me.
I live in the belt buckle of the Bible belt, and I serve at a fine dining restaurant with sleeves, hand and neck tattoos. The taboo around them is dead. I've always been the odd ball, but now I'm just a "normal" person. I'm not a lefty faggot though. Fucking lefties are degenerates.... Just don't tatto your face OP, only degens tatto their face.

Those things are scarred on my soul and I revere them through my actions. If they're so important, you don't need a sticky note reminding you of them.

Just go to cold laser therapy to have the scars properly treated

I agree with you, but the biggest shitcunt relationship I had was with a no tattoos girl. Admittedly she had tons of cutting scars.

Some people get off on the pain aspect as well. It's like cutting, but not ugly and shitty, as long as you didn't pay $15 for it in the kitchen of Bubba's single-wide sardine can.

is this a copy pasta?

Attached: 1597805541380.png (852x476, 608.41K)

"Religious meaning" doesn't automatically absolve anything of retardation. If anything, it enforces it and makes it even more retarded.

>The taboo around them is dead.
no we still see you as a looser. hence your waitress job

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Tattoos are degenerate no matter which cool symbol you graffiti on your white clean skin.

Nigger nigger, Nigger nigger!

No. The only acceptable thing for you is to kill yourself. We don't want you in our ranks