Begin prepping

I think you guys are mostly good people so this is just a reminder that the left is going to freak the fuck out when Trump wins. It's going to be a fucking blowout. They will use the polls as their evidence that he cheated. Antifa and BLM are going to go fucking apeshit. If you have a Dem mayor or governor, they'll tell the police to stand down. Even if Trump and Barr send the National Guard, it'll be a while before they can get to you. If you have a firearm, make sure it works and you have ammunition. Fill your car's gas tank. Go buy toilet paper and all that kind of shit now. I'm telling you it's gonna be fucking bad. The left is not capable of a peaceful transfer of power. They're gonna double down. This is uncharted territory.

It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better.

Stay safe. Don't instigate. Be brave.

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Will you be okay if he doesn’t win?

right wingers don't riot. It's never once happened ever in history. It would go through a legal process. It is not necessary to prep for a non-event. Only commies and niggers get so emotional and uncivilized.

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I’m not talking about riots i’m talking about your emotional and mental health.

If you’re just starting now, it’s too late.

You understand the right has been preparing to larp since 2012

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ill be in my neet bunker with my tendies shooting people with my awp in counterstrike

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N I G G E R, no we won't be fucking ok if he doesn't win

fucking kek bros, I'm at my college in NY. What do I do in case of unrest? Am I fucked?

just wear a MAGA hat with a big smile on your face and a firm handshake


I have a dem mayor but thankfully a Republican Governor. I trust the Missouri national guard will do their job at patrolling nigs and leftists in the urban centers of this state. Truthfully most of our leftists and niggers are fairly docile compared to other places. Even they enjoy living here enough that they don't want to destroy it. But I'll still be packing and ready if they stroll up my street

You forgot POPCORN, YOU NEED BUY POPCORN you retards.

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Who gives a fuck if he doesn't win? A different flavor of zionism for 4 years and the diaspora kikes will shut the fuck up slightly.

Way ahead of you
>crates of sardines, mre's
>first aid and surgical equipment
>12ga shotgun, 1000 shells
>p43x, 1000 rounds
>.308, 500 rounds
>water purification equipment
>iodine tablets
>hatchets, axe, tent, mosquito nets
>steel toe boots, broken in
my neighbors have one of those gay "hoverboards" and an antifa outfit. I'm comfy.

>Begin prepping


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you dumb fuck americans, you are all fucking clueless retards, both sides are zionist jews, why you openly spam this board with fucking yankie politics, no one else in the world gives a fuck! zionist third world country.

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I think you're lost. /mlp/ is the other way.

But Trump can't get 3th mandate right?
This should mean that he can go no holes barred on the left if i understand how it works.
No more optics no more holding back.

Even if trump loses trumpism won't die out. Stay strong frens

A lot of polls are already closing the gap or even going in Trump's favor so seems like a bad choice for "evidence"

and then we're back to the status quo. big whoop.

I'll be fine. I live on a military installation

aww look guise a concernfag. he didn't get the latest memo that projection and concernfagging have worked since, well never.

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There is no left
There is no right
Trump was born to win
Bread from birth.
Tyranny abroad
Fascist at home
There is no you
This place
There is nothing but slaughter for the usa
Possible nuclear holocaust for everyone else
Kusner Trump bib
Gayest 3 horseman of the apocalypse

I want a refund

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Hope there will be some militia or right-wing groups for foreigners to join. Would love to remove some leftists with you guys.
Hope this ends up like the Spanish Civil War, only way we can sort out this issue anyhow. The time for talking has passed, we cannot reason or negotiate with leftist/progressive scum.

But don't forget the other side no the same side of same coin of shit pic related. Fascists at home tyranny abroad
I don't think anyone should let the usa itself off the hook
Even disregarding the murder state of "jews"
The evil here was inception itself

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Win or loose. Trumpscum should end like Mussolini. The people on earth want see dead to this degenerated family.

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If you haven't prepped already it is way too late. The boomer run in March will look like a church bake sale.

I'm bored with zionism I get it
What about rockafellas kissinger ford etc
They truly destroyed the right and let political structure in the usa before it began
The pilgrim society
They must maintain being civil with israel
But they have zero respect for them
You have one ism to fight satan
Fascist is not political
It's actions of cruelty at the top?
It gets real ugly belgium knows

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Bruh I've got .45 long colt, 9mm, 00buck, AND a huge stash of 12 ga slugs.
I've got more than enough to scare away terrorists.

trump is nothing like musslini

Don't worry. The NG is on guard. Already deployed.

If they start some shit it's going to be shut down very fast!

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Trump isn't going to win though.

>i’m talking about your emotional and mental health.
Yooou colossal faggot

There's been many riot wing riots in polans

well he is right about getting essential supplies and prepare to hunker down for a week until National Guard restores order. regardless who is going to win (and likely nobody will be declared a winner first couple days), it's going to be bad.

if trump wins he doesnt have to worry about elections and he cracks down on the violent lefties. biden wins and we go back to normal because trump supporters arent violent

With the depth of disinfo and absolutely everything being a psyop
Are any of us talking to anyone
Except 3 letters
And ai?

If beyond dutroix affair (duckduckgo)
Is correct info
And other info on said site

You and I tho I hardly ever say "jew"
What if they were skapegoats
Not innocent in fact evil yes

But what does extreme right eventually lead to?
Pic I think related
If x dossier is even real
Has some fascist acts for You
Just suggesting look into what happens when the right goes full force
The left real left may be to stupid for freedom they kill us all
The right at the top
Fascists who do so just cuZ
Will kill us just for fun eventually

And you cannot lose

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Leave the pones out of this.

take your meds

Show your flag.
Unless you’re afraid to be shown as a US citizen.
Just like all liberal idiots you claim moral superiority while calling for violence to end your political opponents.
You are whats wrong with the world.