
I actually love that this happened. It showed how desperate the "wounded cornered animal" trumpists are getting. They know they're in their final 2 days and lashing out. It's great to see.

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All these trumptards will kill themselves once texas go blue.

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It's beautiful isn't it. They can't win honestly so they have to try and resort to tin pot dictatorship shit like this. SAD!

suck chink dick you dem nigger

Cope, dilate, etc. Trump 2020!

>FBI investigating that incident
Is the FBI trying to prove to us that they are literally retarded?

Don’t care. Still voting trump.

if only that bus would have wrecked

>kill you
>kill themselves
You best hope that’s true moshe

Like literally,
>mfw next week

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they already have, now its just confirmation

You'll be seething harder after it stays red and PA goes red, redditfag.

Trump will win. You will kill urself

It was a mostly peaceful ambush

>Victimized by being forced to share the road with commoners
The nerve of these "people"

lol riight, glad the FBI is investigating the important things like pull ropes and driving on the same road as biden

wow finally the fbi getting to the bottom of a one-time road rage incident they're like investigators on steroids. nothing gets by them

don’t they have better things to do? you know, even without the biden stuff, chinese foreign agents in our country. they really think they just got them all or something?

imagine having policies that are so bad that everyday workers band together to run you out of town.

And the picture used is one showing the commies already leaving it's lane and heading for the truck.

>biden bus gets bullied on the road
>cries about it
Sounds like leader material

As long as that POS Wray is still there, the FBI will be corrupt and useless.

They should counteract the Trumo Train with a bunch of college professors driving beat up Hondas from the 90s

How fast the FBI acted to protect Joe Biden's faggot bus. Why don't they act that fast to protect regular every day citizens?

lmao for commies
black truck on video head of white car in right lane. White car clearly in left lane and doesnt signal, makes an unsafe lane change into truck. Spin all you want, commies failed here and will fail on tuesday.

They aren't incompetent, they've proven they're straight up malicious.

Rusty shackleford recorded epstein's Island for months-then the fbi came in when everything was bleached.

They also never investigated his Navarro ranch, which he got from a governor. Fat boomers at tru news broke in and recorded shady stuff.

The biggest case for the fbi in the last 4 years in my state was them busting some eBay employees that were fucking with a jew financial blogger by sending her spiders and shit.

Fire them all, and frankly we should have Nuremberg trials examining every single employee's career actions.

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Digits and we're gonna turn colorado red too.

See you on the battlefield faggot



No comment

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Politicians raping their teenage niece - fbi has info for months and does nothing

A fender bender - FBI sends all agents and swat teams

So the world's leading law enforcement agency now looks for highway traffic infractions, America the free

When will they learn?

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The worst part is that’s a male FBI agent who’s transitioning

The Trump Train is an idea not an organization.

I was on the bus.
I was very scared.
To get even, I'm going to mail my ballot in on monday for Joseph Biden and take down that tRump train

no deaths, no injuries, no destruction of property, no crimes committed, and we're supposed to believe these are "terrorist acts."

>splinter the CIA/FBI in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

The FBI should be dismantled and scattered to the wind.

Science has already confirmed that 93% of trump truck caravans are peaceful

Crash video shows who is at fault

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what do you expect out of low class scumbags?

does the fbi even investigate crimes
so far theyve
come to my house for outing qanon as a cia psyop
investigated trump
for nothing
ruined hundreds of lives by convincing autistic kids to be "terrorists"
honestly fuck everyone who works for the fbi
they are all traitors and will burn in hell
my sister told me she wanted to be a agent
i told her i was disowning her

They had 2 dozen agents investigate a rope ya they’re retarded

Anarcho-tyranny. No where is safe, get as far out into the country as reasonably possible and defend your land at all costs.


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he once feared FBI is reduced to dangerous driving investigations. lol.
(low voice) "lol"

wtf i freakin love domestric terroristerinos now

Undeniably based

We've been cornered for 4 years and we aren't wounded in the slightest.
Make of it as you will.

They have nothing better to do with Trump shielding all the real criminal jews from investigation

I don't know, but I fully encourage you city fucks to duke it out. You're all retards who are somehow okay with packing yourselves into shitholes like sardines.

Too busy investigating garage door pulls to mess with that

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Kek. Good one.


Burning cities, looting cities and burning forests. Silencing any and all opinions that are not confirm the fascist left views in social media Vs a guy who defended himself and a few retards in trucks.

The right wing are the bad guys!

This is something that the FBI will investigate with diligence.


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What gives? I thought protesting in traffic was a valid tactic! They block it all the time and are never fucking investigated!

Nice panties, tranny

It's funny that you guys think that they were all Trumpists orchestrating a block in and not that the left is < 7% of the population.
Antifa were around for the rise of the right in Germany, weren't they? How did they perform back then? Burn shit down? Everyone turn against them? GG. I think it's clever and hilarious that it rounds up potential threats and dick heads.