>DST is fucking dumb.
Why do we fuck with it just to align better with the solar cycle?
Doesn't this fuck up our internal clocks?
Can someone red pill me on this?
Daylight savings time
We should get rid of time zones too. UTC everywhere.
Who needs time
>Why do we fuck with it just to align better with the solar cycle?
Jokes on you it actually aligns worse
also this
tools need time to measure things
without measuring things we can't know which thing is the most concept
we need concepts so that we do not experience the endless void
oops too many tabs
Your tribe is a bunch of third world scum and don't want goyim to use pumped hydropower or other form of mass energy storage.
>inb4 le giant cellphone batteries
Actual conspiracy to keep people exhausted.
The point was so farmers could get their kids to help with farm chores before going to mandatory schooling.
We just moved back to standard Time retard you should be happy.
Op... explain how can it fuck with your internal clock it literally runs off the sunlight and DST is to adjust for exactly that reason, it takes me literally 1 day to acclimatize to getting up 1hr earlier, have some discipline set an alarm and get the fuck out of bed the first time it goes of instead of snoozing until 2pm
or are you saying you actually didnt realize the day cycles are longer in summer and shorter in winter... that genuinely wouldnt surprise me fucking zoomer retards
Why are you faggots complaining now? DST just ENDED. It's March when you should be bitching.
We don't have DST where I live. (QLD) it's great not having it to be desu
Honestly never thought of this but you're right, it'd make everything easier
Midday sun doesn't change you fucking imbecile, so why would we shift time?
AZ here lol fuck off.
>DST is fucking dumb
Yep. So what are you going to do about it? People are generally weapons grade retarded. Last time it was debated here, one of the main reasons to keep it is that "people likes summer". As if summer wouldn't happen if we didn't do the ritual.
Imagine caring this much about 1 hour.
DST is what people prefer. OP is just referring to the annual change.
Ban DST its absolutely an interruption and does nothing.
fuck no people do not prefer dst
Americans change their clocks for no fucking reason. We change it to stay aligned with them.
Wait until your 40 working 60 hours a week and processing fire wood in your spare time. It fucks your rhythm up badly.
Studies show that it literally kills people. Increases your chances of dying of a heart attack. There are a lot of people pushing various bills to do away with it. On the other hand, we're all pretty lazy so I doubt it happens.
It once had a meaning and a purpose but now there's no need for it
Imagine being such a retarded neet parasite, that you can't grasp the consequences of changing peoples schedule.
AZ user here, what even is daylight savings time? do you poorfags have to ration sunlight?
This actually a good a good idea. Sadly it won't happen in this lifetime.
finna based
>Studies show that [insert activity here] literally kills people. Increases your chances of dying of a [activity-related incident].
>doesn't this fuck up internal clocks
Yes, they know that, they don't care/do it intentionally.