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Trump is already within 4 points to victory and 65% of his voters havent voted yet, TRUMPTARDS BTFO!
Zig Forums cleansing coming in a few days! Finally the schizo boomers will leave this place!
Finally lol
>65% of his voters yet to vote
>Florida already at 60% registered voters voted.
You are lying, and so are the rest of republicans who said they didn't vote already. You are out of ammo(voters). Unless you are actually going to argue that 90% of registered voters will vote, you are literally just lying your ass off and so are respondents to those polls.
Hint: 90% isn't going to happen in any state, ever.
those are two different percentages you fucking idiot. 60% of ALL registered voters, 65% of trump voters only
Trump will win Florida. But that doesn't matter. He is down by a lot in the polls of PA, WI, and MI. If he doesn't win those, he won't win. That's the problem. So posting Florida is irrelevant.
You don't get it. Trump isn't going to have 65% of his voters show up on election day. They ALREADY VOTED. Turnout rates in the most republican counties that we can measure is already just as high as democrats.
Republicans lied their asses off when they said they wouldn't vote early. They jumped on the early vote train, especially in-person voting.
I haven't voted yet. Will vote on Tuesday. Only two Republicans I know have voted yet, and they did it in person. Everyone else has yet to vote.
damn and who you know decides the election, who knew
i cant read what does it say
I hope it's an absolute slaughter so as to clearly put a nail in the coffin of fascism for another few decades, even if it's close and Trump loses it will still be a bad omen for the future.
Let me tell you something libshit.
My shooting club is aprox. 2000 people in TX we ALL agreed to vote ON election day. So has my sons flight school.
You are in for a REALLY rude awakening
>Zoomer calling anyone they don't like a boomer LOL.
the left can't meme, joe biden already lost, your cope is disgusting.
I'm 26, have no problems getting laid, not a larping reddit faggot like yourself, post more JoJo memes queer LOLOLOLOL.
Here check this out your c.uck savior jimmy dore calling out the establishment, the pro war democrat party & the neo cons who've joined there ranks, in the same interview absolutely shows the level of cuckery that is leftism by "supporting the democrats anyway" lololololol you people stand for literally nothing and are a laughfest not to be taken seriously like a child or woman.
Yeah your dumb hillbilly evidence is anecdotal and doesn't prove anything that you believe it does. You're too stupid to see the train coming but you won't be able to deny it when it collides with you on Tuesday
You need help.
Holy fuck now i knoe why you want social security, so you can get mental help....
The fuck website is that?
Also, it seems to be missing MI, WI, PA, MN and NH from the toss-ups.
Look at the cope on this loser lmao
Imagine being so brainwashed in your little Midwest redneck county you think Trump is a god lol
Kill yourself your kind is going extinct very soon cletus :)
Nice larp though
>Math isn't real
It doesn't matter what you say, turbonigger. We already know what % of republican counties have voted. It doesn't matter how many of your friends didn't vote. The greater republican party has already showed up in-person and voted wherever they can.
You are out of memes, insults, and, most importantly, votes.
Look at all this pre biden loss cope LOLOL
you don't have any data regarding how many people voted who's leading what, because none of that stuff officially gets called until election days.
POLLS ARE OPINIONS you absolute mongoloid leftiods.
Still voting trump in pennsylvania on Tuesday, pennsylvanias going red again in 2020.
The irony behind that image is so funny it really shows how dumb kids are today
Who said Trump's God?
The only people I hear talking trump being god is don lemon, Chris cuomo, racheal maddow, Jake tapper, Chris Wallace, George stephanopoulos, & the rest of the hurt feelings circle jerk crew.
Look at this actual inbred autistic sperg out over joe biden & charge a trump supporter.
Why are leftists so mentally retarded, I mean literally? Legit question.
Last (You) hillbilly :)
Imagine the shaking and anger when Wisconsin/Michigan are both called as soon as the polls close on election night.
Me and my family vote tomorrow
Drumpf has been mathematically eliminated.
holy fucking shit no way omg hahaha btfo blumpftards
I live in pennsylvania...
There is no early in person voting, they say there is on pennsylvania department of state.gov they tell you too register a ballot & go to your polls early I did, my poll place in the 10th district literally said "we don't do early voting"
There is absentee voting & mail in voting
Which you have to apply for,
Only 30% of the votes have been collected 75% of them were already collected & they were for registered democrats via mail in ballots, pennsylvania will allow mail in ballots to be collected until 3 days after November 3rd and will be called November 6th.
Assuming that all those registered democrats who voted by mail voted for Joe Biden is retarded & the same little dick energy that lost Hillary Clinton PA.
2x more republicans registered this year then democrats that's newly registered people. Democrats still have more registered people in there party then republicans in PA but the gap is very small now.
And voting registration ended October 19th .... This stat msnbc is touting is directly from the state of department of pennsylvania. Not a poll.